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Everything posted by Amir_9

  1. I don't hate that Adam P character but fuck me, his videos are so amateurish. Him looking pre-pubescent probably is another reason he gets some hate but for me its mainly the standard behind his videos... Get some proper editing, decent graphic design for the video thumbnails, anything that doesn't look like a weirdo walking around with his phone camera calling it a full-time job. People laugh at AFTV but fuck me its million years ahead in its production.
  2. So refreshing seeing him back. His runs and his goal threat added a massive dimension to our play today.
  3. Amir_9


    It's worth noting he was the very first player that we saw that started the resurgence before it properly kicked off That performance against Norwich at home and he's never looked back. That performance against Man United at home where he bossed their midfield. That performance against Brentford and the two goals vs Norwich at Carrow Road.. Too many moments to mention but on his day he is an absolute tank and his way with the ball and grabbing back the ball is fucking superb. Some proper peak Tiote moments in there with the added bonus of his hard work on the flanks. Superb player and no matter what happens in the future, his role this year cannot ever be underestimated or forgotten - he fucking stood up and stood out. Absolute starter for me next year, I can see him getting better generally and with better players around him.
  4. Amir_9


    This fucking guy is a NUFC legend in his own right Absolutely epitomises that all the fans want is commitment and effort which is why he's so popular now that he's turned it around with exactly just that
  5. Dominated Arsenal today - really should have won this by more
  6. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaa
  7. I've been pro Richarlison too, he's a proven performer at this level, Brazil international and a shithouse. If we are going to buy from Everton I'd rather it was him over DCL. I am not really bothered about how likeable he is, that's not why I buy a ticket to watch a football game. It's not like he's got some sort of assault or rape court case looming over him or something either.
  8. Big thanks for the err.. contributions This lad's quality is average at best suited possibly for a relegation team (at this level) that might just work around him That's not what anyone here aspires to be moving forwards. Please get rid.
  9. Bit heartless to say but - the good thing is thank fuck we are not going down which means we don't need to stick with a lot of these that need to be sold/replaced in the next 1-2 windows.
  10. Leicester are the very definition of bang average
  11. Still want Everton or Burnley down, would be gutted for Marsh if Leeds go down. Would be nice for the international level of the league to have an American manager there
  12. I wonder what football club the Man United fuckers that I went to school with back home support these days
  13. Fantastic from Wolves
  14. I was shot down for suggesting it the other week - I'd have him, he knows how to score goals in this league and is a presence. Attitude and whatnot can be worked on.
  15. Ba was a better solid all rounder and would have scored even more goals if he wasn't shifted to the wing due/not playing as main striker due to Cisse arriving
  16. It's the fact that he's gone and posted it on social media that's the stupidest shit you'd expect from this generation I understand the rivalry and some people doing shit like this as an extreme but showboating it on social media with your face showing is one of the stupidest things you can do All for the sake of looking like a 'mag lad'. Idiot.
  17. Amir_9

    Matt Targett

    I would rather the bulk of the transfer budget be spent on areas where class and ability are lacking. He does not lack class or ability Can be improved upon in 2-3 windows time for sure, there are other more important areas more money needs spent on. Besides, he's excelling in this team who knows what will happen with better players ahead of him on the pitch.
  18. Amir_9

    Matt Targett

    This lad is class. That clearance was unreal today
  19. He needs to start developing mentally and physically a plan B style of play because his old tricks aren't currently working. Would be then to his best benefit to mix it up. It's like he's almost become too predictable to the opposition... and to us.
  20. Having an absolute stinker of a second half to the season and I don't know how or if he can get out of it End product practically fruitless and runs into trouble too much. His attacking game needs changed and moulded into an alternative because he's turning into a one trick pony now.
  21. Proper dogshit game this is. They deserve the win but we may as well have given it to them. Doubt we would have scored in another 90 today and its not all because of their defending either.
  22. How many offsides we've had today has been one of the bigger letdowns
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