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Everything posted by Amir_9

  1. Fuck them South London stab central Croydon cunts Lets gooooo
  2. I'll only go for the ones that I have seen since becoming an NUFC supporter 1. Jonas vs. West Ham 2. Cisse vs. Chelsea 3. Tiote vs. Arsenal 4. Nolan hat-trick vs. Sunderland (all of em, I was there) 5. Ben Arfa vs. Bolton (I was there)
  3. I'm sure there are, but it never ceases to amuse me how something so simple and quick, which is enough to get the message and trigger the conversation in kids/tomorrow's generation is beeeewed and mostly put through mental gymnastics by people who have never been through racism. As for the ones who have been on the receiving end of racism who don't want to do it, they seem under the impression that taking a knee will stop racism on its own or something. Luckily most who do this 'virtue signalling gesture' still see the point and the ever hard working racism ending pioneers of all that is right and fair lot have stopped booing. I'm not white, but if I took a knee I'd also take it for anyone, including a white individual fwiw and I'd not accept or condone any racism towards them either. Even those who fly "all lives matter" planes.
  4. Love those marauding Willock runs, reminds me a lot of his form from last year
  5. Straight at Dubravka though, really should have parried at the very least
  6. Straight out of FIFA that, who do you think you are just fucking hoof it you bellwhiff
  7. I did - Kinnear, McClaren, Carver (aka best coach in the league) were all worse. McClaren relegating the team that he had was criminal. Pardew was dogshit but he wasn't the worst, not by a far stretch.
  8. Aye it's like waking up at 6am to start studying for your exam at 8
  9. Thanks for boring the shit out of us over 180 minutes Atletico Madrid Fucking weirdos
  10. This bump has ruined my day - cheers, I'm crying.
  11. Tell us how you really feel
  12. Summer transfer window and a full season next year will give a good indication of what his potential to build on is and what his major flaws are and whether he can learn/improve or not I'm happy we have him, this guy was touted as potential future England manager at one point. I am willing to wait and see if he fulfils his potential with us rather than jump at a short-term appointment that doesn't understand the club, the fans, the city, etc I would be happy if we finish 7th-8th next year with a decent cup run and think it would be a great first step forwards.
  13. This fixture is overdue a draw so I will go with 1-1
  14. I'd argue Bruno is more so what we had hoped Longstaff would turn into rather than a Cabaye like player which imo aren't the same type of player.
  15. Comical defending from Watford 2-0 Leeds
  16. I think we're 1-2 points away from safety personally
  17. The fuck has happened with ASM? That's typically an easy goal for him in form
  18. Who on earth would do so? Ancelotti, a manager far superior to Rafa, finished 10th with these at best. Do you not see that the manager isn't the problem by now?
  19. These really are us from 08/09 aren't they? So glorious watching it unfold All Rafa's fault though eh
  20. Callum Wilson cost us £20m. This guy cost us £25m to activate his release clause. They are both the same age but the difference between the two is universes and galaxies apart, I am not exactly sure what his key core strength is as I have not seen him excellent at any single quality so far during his time here. He's had little positives including the one goal but I am pretty certain for £25m there must have been a better option available somewhere. He was bought by who his agency/management are and the number of goals he somehow ended the season with the last few seasons, its a gamble that has had very minor return investment that if we weren't in the dire position we were back when we signed him you'd flat out call him a total flop.
  21. People are massively magnifying his contribution - he's been shit. It's like giving credit for having a measly drop of water in an otherwise dry desert, that's his time here so far.
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