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Everything posted by Amir_9

  1. Saudi offer is 40m and an ankle pic. No nudes. Take it or leave it habibi
  2. I can't imagine what's basically a Saudi national/government entity buying a football club to see it do mediocre in the league it's in, because I know how much they value not losing face in that culture, especially with their investments. Surely they have to blow the big cash at some point this summer. Another 10th/11th/12th finish does nothing towards their project ambitions (if they are indeed true).
  3. I'm approaching bedwetting territory now Need me some more of them signings mang
  4. Did his job, been a bit stupid this last year but won't overshadow his overall contribution in my eyes. All the best.
  5. Met him down the Quayside once with his family and some friends Canny bloke, nice enough to stop for a photo. I wish him well.
  6. Amir_9

    Matt Targett

    Dependable solid squad member with the right attitude Was worried we wouldn't get him permanently. A good start to the summer.
  7. Amir_9

    Matt Targett

    Sensible and solid signing for a great price Glad this one went through.
  8. Marcelo pulling a Terry Full kit wanker
  9. Owen, the bin dippers still won't like you, you fucking rat. Pipe down with that shite.
  10. Blow it out your ass boys
  11. Does anyone ever care or remember these pre-final singing and dancing performances lol
  12. Ticketless Liverpool fans eh They'll never walk alone.
  13. Amir_9

    Dan Burn

    He's great but didn't have good games against Spurs and Man City away which leads me to think he'll do for the next step of our progress but maybe not a starter for the one after.
  14. Amir_9

    Miguel Almirón

    Simon is bang on there. So what else do you do after costing £100m, getting a league medal after a season of practically nothing special or no considerable contributions... Oh that's right, attack another team's player. People blaming the drink, I think booze just brings out the idiot prick that was already inside. Otherwise, how many times do you see other players celebrating in the past getting drunk and verbally attacking a player from a non-rival team to the public?
  15. Amir_9

    Miguel Almirón

    What a weird and random dig, pissed or not. not even a rival player ffs lol. Wonder if at any point they went head to head with each other during some game or something.
  16. Remember this line from a bacontits presser? 'The fella from Bournemouth' who 'got a team relegated'. Ten times the manager you'll ever be you prick.
  17. Nah, prefer Leeds in the prem. Far bigger club than Burnley and better support. Marsh seems alright too.
  18. The Sportswashed vs. The Unwashed Bring on the cheesy chips giant.
  19. To be fair, a big well done to them, finally back where they belong... The Championship
  20. Funny feeling this will be a 1-1 draw with them getting a super dodgy goal Leeds also only getting a draw and these stay up on goal difference
  21. Burnley and Leeds - start winning you fuckers
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