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Everything posted by Dyeyzzon

  1. That and Willock & Joelinton swapping between LW and CM every few minutes.
  2. What bothers me is how we hardly laid a glove on them. Total capitulation.
  3. Wtf is this playing out from the back we're doing
  4. Either one of Tonali or Bruno has to drop deep, and the other push forward. I'd prefer Bruno to reprise his 1st season role when he scored for fun as a #8 than a #6.
  5. Diabolical creativity. We're missing a Willock type of player.
  6. This is it for me. Our midfield three looks strong but it's not exactly a creative one. An Anderson or a Willock would help it loads.
  7. I don't think Pope could've done anything with those Nunez finishes tbf.
  8. Dyeyzzon

    Dan Burn

    If this will make us play with two proper fullbacks and it dramatically gives us an edge then I'm all for that.
  9. Yeah same, was looking every bit a world-beater then their goal plus his injury.
  10. City: We actually created more last season, but couldn't finish. Liverpool: Down to 10 early but I came out feeling better with that just cause we didn't buckle when we could easily have done. I'm unsure if comparing score lines is effective here but to each their own I guess.
  11. Same four-goal margin against Villa, and we "lost by less" against Man City & Liverpool and that's better than last season?
  12. Aye, right about the pre-planned subs. Tonali was exactly the kind of player we needed in those last few minutes to control the midfield, but no, gotta give Longstaff more match minutes.
  13. At times it felt like the game we had yesterday tbh in the way England hardly created anything but the score gave some hope. A hope that kills.
  14. I'd like Anderson and Gordon to start, they deserve it and have the potential to kick on to be in our strongest XI.
  15. Actually the mens team still calls themselves like that. They’re currently run in such a sad state compared to the women. It’s so bad that our new kit deal with adidas left the men out completely.
  16. As someone from the Philippines, they are half-Filipino, half-something else. Usually a Filipino mother, which is why the names don't sound Filipino. We only have one truly homegrown player (Castaneda) Proud to get our first win!
  17. Guess I’m ordering pizza tonight
  18. Dyeyzzon


    Even pulls out a Shearer after scoring I’m really proud of how hard he’s worked to turn it around
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