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Everything posted by Dyeyzzon

  1. Non-stop wanking over that goal, how Coloccini's was a red beyond a shadow of doubt, how dominant Liverpool were. We got a f***ing draw at Anfield ffs, and our goal was also as w***worthy.
  2. Seems to be a big game player, although that only raises him from being s**** to solid. Never gonna be a MotM.
  3. Dyeyzzon

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Much better as a winger than in the centre, just simply crowded out when he drifted to the middle a number of times today.
  4. Not bad in terms of spot on results, but everything else...
  5. Nobody's perfect. Pretty similar to the Suarez on Distin last week which wasn't given.
  6. Sorry if posted (Dead cert coz it's old) http://sphotos-a.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/47393_280454968724515_963308535_n.png
  7. Thought it was Kevin Nolan doing the chicken.
  8. They played mostly kids and reserves , didn't they? But...but...but...the world class Steven Gerrard and Luis Suarez had half a game...
  9. http://sphotos-a.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/406788_514446205246466_390601196_n.jpg
  10. Love how apt its expression is.
  11. That was a good week. Actually, a good fortnight as we also beat Arse-nal away. I was all "f*** yeah!" then.
  12. Not sure if I should be more confident or more afraid of a backlash after last night.
  13. I'd say he'd be more of a Jonas replacement than one for Tiote.
  14. Levante supporting mate loving him, 4 goals in 4 league games.
  15. Dyeyzzon

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Danny Simpson being asked to work harder. Tbh how many other managers have successfully "tamed" him? I think I heard a stat that he's never played a full ninety under any other man. And he does it almost always for us these days, even with all the defending he's being asked to do by Pards. He might not be showcasing the best of his flair but even he realizes that he's become much more mature and responsible as a footballer with his extra duties. Maybe being an all-out attacker made him show his rather temperamental side in the past. Pards may not be the best man for grooming him to be the best player, but he certainly made him a man.
  16. I love how this would be the third time in a row we're above them as we go into this fixture.
  17. Dyeyzzon

    Alan Pardew

    That season was full of those lopsided ones tbf.
  18. http://www.thefunnyblog.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/funny-fernando-torres-it-might-work-score-fantasy.jpg
  19. Up up up the league we go 1. 2-1 2. 2-2 3. 1-1 4. 1-1 5. 1-3 6. 3-1 7. 1-3 8. 2-1 9. 2-2 10. 2-1
  20. If he can to time the pass better, cross the ball and work out, I think he'll make it.
  21. The only cross in his locker seems to be that low cross. Which he rarely gets to do because it's as if he were crossing the channel trying to get past his man.
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