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Everything posted by Dyeyzzon

  1. Floated set piece to Willo at the back stick... Has to work once Aye, no better time for it to work tbh. Hope he scores it a la Dabizas.
  2. Great, free reign for them to maim Hatem Ben Arfa. My thoughts exactly.
  3. Pretty harsh tbh. Just terribly unlucky that he never gets a genuine chance.
  4. Bit soon for that, like. Genuinely gutted for the lad. He's always come accross as a decent kid, and model professional. Yeah, annoys me a bit that a promising and professional lad like him is made of glass, when we have Ranger who's always fit but never makes the pitch for self-inflicted reasons.
  5. Out for the season. http://www.nufc.co.uk/articles/20121011/vuckic-out-for-the-season_2281670_2945971
  6. I rate him but it's the injuries that prevent me from fully appreciating what he can offer.
  7. Dyeyzzon

    St James' Park

    Nicked this off a mate. Villa ,Genting Casinos , Karim El Ahmadi Stoke , 32Red , Mamady Sidibe West ham , Sbobet , Mohamed Diame Wigan , 12BET , Ali Al Habsi And they only come calling when it's us.
  8. Technically, all the SD signs will remain unless someone makes an approach to MA. He sells each of them, pretty much like he sold the stadium's naming rights. Wish someone would just buy off that Gallowgate Roof ad space like.
  9. Dyeyzzon

    St James' Park

    ffs http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-qeeNAow_gyE/T2UOEy1wJ4I/AAAAAAAABYQ/rUmogtzkdzQ/s1600/Jo-Wilfried+Tsonga-biography.jpg
  10. Dyeyzzon

    St James' Park

    The Dreamboat will catch the loan sharks.
  11. This week. Uber spoiled by Sunday's fixtures though. GW 8 1. 2-2 2. 2-1 3. 2-1 4. 2-0 5. 2-2 6. 1-3 7. 2-1 8. 1-3 9. 0-1 10. 2-3
  12. His decision making yesterday was pretty shocking for an experienced keeper imo.
  13. Cabaye definintely, Demba and Demba II are i think, also Fergie if i remember it right. Tiote also Oh yeah. Ta And Vook.
  14. Couldn't come at a much better time tbf. We need to bounce back n' all but we need our strongest team out more.
  15. Time to dream. Krul Anita Taylor Coloccini Santon Ben Arfa Cabaye Tiote Jonas Ba Ameobi
  16. Aye, the most solid could've been Anita Perch Williamson Santon then Fergie impact sub.
  17. With Colo, Taylor and Krul back - 0-1. With the same back 5 - 2-2. (heart) 2-1 (mind)
  18. Harper - 4. Shocking for an experienced keeper. Judgment was just off. Santon - 6. Not bad at all, seemed more potent being at the right. Williamson - 5. First goal. Nuff said. Perch - 6. Brave tackling, decent performance, cannot be faulted. Ferguson - 5. Not the best, but with all the hype and games lately, no blame really. Ben Arfa - 6. Tried but was effectively shackled by Carrick and co. Still our most creative spark. Tiote - 4. Careless, sloppy, hotheaded, rash. Cabaye - 6. Finally coming into some decent form and fitness. Threw himself about everywhere, distribution apart from set pieces were okay. Jonas - 7. MotM. Captain's performance. Was the only one running in the last 10 minutes. Cisse - 5. Invisible. Was not too shabby in tracking back though. Decent instinct to get his head on the "goal". Ba - 5. Same as Cisse. With his form you'd expect him to hit the target at least once. Subs Ameobi - 5. Teammates lost the drive by the time he came on. I wish that we actually hoofed it more to him as our passing just looked labored at the end. Anita - 5. Unremarkable. Bigirimana - 5. Same as Anita. Pards - 6. Adventurous line-up. Knew that with our defensive problems that we had to bring out the best attack possible. Would've given him a 5 for his reluctance to change it to 4-3-3 and the lack of motivation among the team today. I'll give him a 6 though for bringing in the subs early for once.
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