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Away Toon

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Everything posted by Away Toon

  1. It’s the lead story on BBC Sport, somebody is cranking up the pressure on the premier league. I’m sure they’d like to say no to the takeover, hopefully the money and the threat of legal action will persuade them to let this one go through.
  2. I've watched Stones a lot the last few years and although he's a good ball playing CB, he lacks focus and concentration, maybe because in general City don't have much defending to do. Also the play out of the back at any costs way that Pep plays brings out the worst in some players, Stones being one of them.
  3. I think Sane is the best wide man in the league and one of the top 5 players in the league. City are a much poorer team when he hasn't played.
  4. The Germans have been so far ahead of the rest of Europe since the Covid pandemic began, that they can now start to reap the rewards and no doubt get their economy and in this case football back up and running much quickly than the others. Presumably teams will play the games in their own empty stadiums and they will work on stopping fans congregating outside. Not easy. Somehow the PL is going to have to do the same as playing at neutral grounds is likely to be vetoed by the teams at the bottom who are worried about relegation. Imagine us with new owners or Liverpool as they play to win the league and the amount of supporter idiots who will be outside the stadiums. Not easy or maybe downright impossible.
  5. What happens when Liverpool are confirmed champions and thousands of fans maybe hundreds of thousands go to Anfield to celebrate? Not sure how that can be stopped. What happens with the FA Cup does it just get cancelled?
  6. I think its virtually certain that this season won't get finished even with games played in empty stadiums. Just do what the French have done and promote and relegate based on the positions clubs are currently in. Concentrate on trying to start the next season on time.
  7. You’ve met him? ...no? Just seemed like you knew him well nah I just pass judgment from my couch on the other side of the world. He's on Twitter, which makes him an absolute twat. IMO.
  8. There are over 15,000 members of the Saudi royal family and most of them have diplomatic passports in case anyone was interested.
  9. Away Toon

    David Squires

    Saudi Arabia isn't the main problem it's the people and governments that have enabled them since the creation of modern SA, the same applies to Israel. If we hadn't bought the oil, sold them arms and continue to do so it would still be a dusty dry shithole in the middle of the desert. One day it will be returned to the desert the quicker the better, along with most of the middle east.
  10. Why exactly do people think the British among many governments are selling arms to the Saudi's? It's not for them to defend themselves, and we aren't giving them arms, we are selling them in exchange for filthy lucre that goes into the pockets of defense contractors, arms dealers and the corrupt venal disgusting politicians who let this happen.
  11. It's definitely looking likely that no football (or any sport) will be played in front of crowds until a vaccine is ready, worst case scenario being that the end of this season and maybe the whole of next season will be in empty stadium. Not at all sure how that would work and not convinced the football on show would be worth watching. This won't apply to the USA as they will probably just gamble that the extra cases and deaths will be insignificant compared to the money the owners can make.
  12. Capitalism has been carrying out atrocities on the general population worldwide for the last 200 years
  13. Well Pochetino has won the square root of fuck all in his career so he'll fit in well with the losing mentality the club has had for the last 50 years.
  14. This seems much more realistic than paying money on transfers when you get them for free. Probably not have to pay them too much either.
  15. Newcastle United are keen on taking Burnley midfielders Robbie Brady and Jeff Hendrick, both 28, on free transfers. The Republic of Ireland internationals are out of contract at Turf Moor in the summer. (Newcastle Chronicle)
  16. I went to every game but the final, out of money and temporally expelled from the mackem school I went to for missing too may school days in midweek.
  17. I thought Barca were absolutely rank and not for the first time this season. Slow, tepid, negative, the champions of passing the ball back and sideways. There is hardly a player that doesn't need replacing. It's not only the Premier League that is poor this season.
  18. Offside. Still WHU are so much better than us it's ridiculous.
  19. Why would you not want us to get relegated? If we don't it proves that Ashley and Bruce are right, and we just get more of the same.
  20. Well we blame Mike Ashley, Steve Bruce but probably most of all the supporters who still go the games who have enabled all of this.
  21. I don't think anyone who watches us regularly would disagree with the idea that we are the worst managed, most pathetic, absolutely useless team in the division. Somehow we are probably not going to get relegated.
  22. Ah there is the Dubravka we all love. He definitely always has one in him.
  23. :lol: You're ridiculous and embarrassing man. ? I'm commenting on what I'm witnessing, he's been responsible for 2 goals, Fernandez was covering him all first half cause he kept getting caught out of position Still wrong. Maybe Lazaro can play as one of the front three instead of one of the two headless chickens? Certainly doesn't look like he knows how to defend.
  24. Norwich playing at a level Bruce could only dream of. Probably going to lose but very nice to watch.
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