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Toon Hoser

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Everything posted by Toon Hoser

  1. Loven always scores that goal in practice, it must be infuriating, if Danes get infuriated.
  2. Assuming the new kit debuts next week, this is the last time these shirts will be worn in a match.
  3. Oh, Olympique Marseille...
  4. Looks serious. not sure about miserable. He keeps buggering off back to france so probably doesn't understand the lingo Nolan: Do yous 'uv cewkies? Ay want cewkies. Hatem: Vous voulez pénis? Merde! Nolan: Ay dun speak bushwa, feller. Nile, where's 'atem from? Nile: I dun nah, geeza. Foreignistan? You askin' me coz I is black? Nolan: Wa'? Nah? Ay juss want 'atem's cewkies. Hatem: Arrêtez de parler de mon pénis. f***, je vais rentrer en France. brilliant!
  5. I hear ya. Why do the other teams get simple elegance, and we get saddled with a piece of shite that looks like it was designed by a 10-year-old blind kid?
  6. Seeing the simple elegance of the Coventry shirt made me hate our ridiculous new shirt even more.
  7. Coventry City: http://img855.imageshack.us/img855/2149/coventrycity1112pumahom.jpg
  8. That gigantic Arsenal badge is really overcompensating.
  9. The badge looks like a giant frilly doily. Every gran will want one.
  10. Nice hoops. http://img535.imageshack.us/img535/7347/chelsea1112adidashomeki.jpg
  11. Wild all white kits fitting for a crazy lineup.
  12. There must be a Toon bar in TO.
  13. I meant the shirt google translation maillot?
  14. http://www.football-shirts.co.uk/fans/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/newcastle1112.jpg http://img703.imageshack.us/img703/433/pepelepew.jpg "I love eet!"
  15. I'm not a sports marketing expert, but I think what happens is that these hotshot designers that get hired by the kitmakers each try to deliberately produce something complicated instead of simple. With a complicated design, the hope is that they will be producing an "iconic" design that will be beloved / reproduced / templated / remembered forever. That's why instead of classic simplicity we get muddled shite every year. *puts on 1974 shirt, curls up in a ball, cries himself to sleep*
  16. Cup kits? I doubt any sponsor would agree to advertise for only one game. Perhaps offer a discounted rate.
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