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Everything posted by ExiledGeordie

  1. What did Lowes say? TS going to be interesting tonight
  2. Can you imagine the cheers if the chap were to land one on Pardew... If he's still there on sat and we're losing........I can see someone running onto the pitch and throwing a season ticket at him at the very least
  3. He's woeful and the fact he's still at the centre of defence symbolises the failure at this club
  4. God forbid we actually win this, can you imagine the quotes he's going to come out with Doesn't even bare thinking about.
  5. There it is. "The league are going to give us even more money so it's going to be more difficult to buy players" "Good product on the market" ffs. This is certainly a new one. We're going to have even more cash available but still won't put our hands in our pockets.
  6. Hopefully this doesn't translate as our next manager being John Carver or Peter Beardsley. They're so utterly clueless and terrified of appointing anyone "from outside" that it wouldn't surprise me.
  7. It's hilarious it's so petty. Luke Edwards isn't going to make something like this up, or certainly the underlying info will be along the right lines. Either way it's funny to see how easily people get under their skin. Constantly scouring the papers for anything derogatory. Absolute morons.
  8. If someone comes along with the right offer he'll sell, it doesn't matter what statement is released by the club. The first thing to remember is to disregard almost everything this "dictatorship" releases info wise. If and when the sale happens it'll happen almost as quickly as when Ashley bought it. As in, you won't hear anything in the lead up.
  9. Just been having a proper look this morning. The stats on view for the different areas are brilliantly laid out for all to see, superb. If people want to take issue with my views I'll just direct them to this site, awesome.
  10. The only form of interest in the club at the moment, how uncomfortable things can be made for him.
  11. Someone who is positive, has clear tactics and doesn't talk shite will do.
  12. I'm at a wedding, dreading the moment when the phone goes and it's a message from one of my mates saying "nice win mate" :-( Exactly the same as this. Weddings not in Nottingham is it? Haha no it's in London. How absurd that when I find out the result, if it's a loss there'll be a clenched fist.
  13. I think the Rangers thing does raise an interesting angle. He has much greater potential there to get into champions league but he can't take full control what with owning us too. Hardly definitive but I think ther might be something in this........maybe........hopefully
  14. I'm at a wedding, dreading the moment when the phone goes and it's a message from one of my mates saying "nice win mate" :-(
  15. Jobs for the boys...English managers never make a mistake, its never their fault. The only pundit I have heard call it for what it is...was John Hartson on Football Focus towards the end of last season. What did Hartson say?
  16. The show is piss poor really and some of the people who call in
  17. Exactly, it's not a "we hate him because he's part of the cockney mafia" angle which many of press assume. These are cold hard eye-opening facts which back up the resentment.
  18. TF = True Faith? They banned me from their group for sharing a link to the SackPardew website the other day the daft c***s. Really? Poor show from Michael Martin! With regards to TS - have said before that Ando is a decent fella, as I've met him a good few times. He'll know exactly what's wrong at the club, but will have been told by the BBC to watch what he says. If he was to speak out, he'd be out on his arse and Ashley would take away the commentary rights from the BBC and give someone else who will tow the line. It's as simple at that. Mind, TS's editorial policy towards the club stinks to high heaven. It's a pity the Legends show isn't around any more. Fair play mate. That makes sense, just seemed a bit odd with all of the current events at the club that an ex-player could have his head in the sand like that. Yeah that does make sense to be fair. You do get the feeling that there's constraints on forthright opinion.
  19. We don't play the type of football to get the best out of Cisse, his confidence has clearly been shattered and he's coming off a serious injury. They're talking about him as if he's going to come straight into the side again and start banging them in. I'd like to see the lad do well again but it's wishful thinking on the clubs part.
  20. Very true. What really gets to me is Ando's (and others) almost shrug of the shoulders when it comes to Pardew. It's like "well we know Ashley isn't fussed one iota but who would he replace Pardew with anyway".......followed by a bizarre unwillingness to rightly criticise the manger for his glaringly obvious failings. The constraints within the club (of which I'm sure Pardew was made fully aware when he signed up) doesn't absolve him from being a crap manger ffs. I've seen a lot of comments on Anderson's indifference to Pardew recently and decided to listen to him for myself (live in London, don't get BBC Newcastle on radio just online). After listening to a few Total Sport programs, I am shocked that he's of the 'but if we sack him, who do we get in?' mentaility. It makes no sense. It's like being a Ugandan under Idi Amin's rule and saying 'well if we force a coup, who would come in? What if it was Pol Pot, or Hitler? f*** that, think we should stick with what we've got.' Ando also rolls out that same old line about not being able to compete financially with Chelsea, Man City when nobody in their fight mind expects that. Just some good, honest investment in relation to what comes in and on par with the likes of Everton wtc and certainly bloody Hull, Saints et al.
  21. Very true. What really gets to me is Ando's (and others) almost shrug of the shoulders when it comes to Pardew. It's like "well we know Ashley isn't fussed one iota but who would he replace Pardew with anyway".......followed by a bizarre unwillingness to rightly criticise the manger for his glaringly obvious failings. The constraints within the club (of which I'm sure Pardew was made fully aware when he signed up) doesn't absolve him from being a crap manger ffs.
  22. Brilliant, couldn't agree more with hoping we get dicked, one win is further damage so I'd sooner see us lose. Spot on, got no connection or enjoyment with NUFC at the moment either
  23. yeah tonight we have the inspiring Steve "I won't really say anything in particular or certainly anything controversial" Harper. Dear oh dear
  24. I'm tempted to go to witness what could be a great day but I'm probably doing a fell race that day
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