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Everything posted by ExiledGeordie

  1. I'd love to see Palace turn us over thinking about it
  2. You'll always have us with Pardew in charge. Poyet absolutely has his number
  3. He might be hampered by Pardews lack of tactics and our general poor play but I'm just starting to see this player as piss and wind. Gets a full head of steam up but doesn't really do anything with it, poor touch and doesn't stamp his authority on the game. For a bloke his size he doesn't get involved enough for me either and boss people about. Maybe he's just been Pardewed too but I'm not that impressed.
  4. To be honest I'm not even sure I can be bothered to go out of my way to watch the matches with these kind of displays. It's just a continuation from last season, dull as.
  5. A loss v Palace could really see him properly in the shit, he has to win this one.
  6. Probably already wondering how the fuck he ended up in such a shit side Looks good enough to the point that he'll be gone for profit after 2 seasons.
  7. Yeah I find it all extremely bemusing that the press have been banging the "big spenders Newcastle" drum, "Ashley has answered his critics", "dark horses Newcastle", "lots of exciting new attacking options"
  8. Sure the press might have made a bit too much of him but I think he's been decent so far. He's the least of our worries ffs
  9. Problem is the lad might have something but immediately it's all down to him, loads of pressure and he's extremely isolated up front. We don't have any other options so the lad is really going to start feeling it soon, a ridiculous scenario as per usual at the club.
  10. This. It was more of the same basically but then I wasn't expecting a great deal. I was pretty bored throughout, at times just ended up chatting to people in my local with half an eye in the game.
  11. Never seen a striker where you were just so confident of him scoring in front of goal. Lethal in the air, deadly on crosses and clinical in one on ones. I remember how much defensive work he did on corners too due to his heading ability. Literally used to take defenders apart,
  12. Yeah this is what I'm interested in today. I think we'll learn a lot more today about "where we are". If we lose this there's already real pressure going into the Palace game, on Pardew especially.
  13. Goalscorers are by far the game's most valuable commodity, and as such it's virtually impossible to apply our ridiculously limiting transfer policy to them. We dropped very lucky with Ba and then Remy. Spot on. Plus as our ambition is squarely focused on finishing bang on mid table why bother investing and take a chance. If we're struggling badly come December they'll look into "options" come January. No ambition = no desire to spend unless relegation becomes a real threat.
  14. All the usual waffle which essentially amounts to "we won't put our hand in our pockets"
  15. It is amazing he hasn't needed a liver transplant. Your liver can function with no apparent detrimental symptoms even at 20% of it's capacity but once you go under that 20% threshold you're screwed basically. Sadly he'll die one way or another fairly soon, be it illness or suicide. Tragic really.
  16. Have serious reservations about Dummett.
  17. I heard him on the BBC radio earlier, we're not signing anyone else.
  18. Can see Tiote going.... Still desperately need a striker and centre half.
  19. I actually really enjoyed following the league title race and the league in general last season. I still enjoy it but yes it's not the same as when I followed it years ago. The general enthusiasm has been sucked out of me by Ashley and Pardew regarding NUFC as of recent. I've got other sports like cycling that I follow and enjoy so it lessens the annoyances around the club Regarding the match on sat, it'll be interesting to see if De Jong plays, keen to see what he's like as he could really add that extra creativity. Also keen to see how the likes of Rivière and Cabella get on again. Rivière if anything needs an early goal to get his confidence up. He's obviously got pace and power but the longer he hoes in the league without a goal the more obvious his deficiencies will become. Whereas if he gets a goal soon he could be a real threat. Too earl in the season for both teams form wise to make a prediction. No result would be a surprise really.
  20. That's how I feel. I'll cheer a goal or enjoy a match but it feels very distant at the moment as how can you put your heart and soul into it with this current board/manager who basically have no ambition. I'm more interested in how the new players do than how the result turns out. It's odd. I get the whole being bummed each game until Pardew is sacked, I just get fed up and very low each time I sit through a game we get bummed, even though there is a greater good (hopefully) at work when it happens. To be honest I just enjoy the socials down the local when the match is on. Laughing at the nonsense Pardew comes out with and like you see showing an interest and how things unfold because it's never dull at NUFC is it. Following NUFC has just been absorbed into following football in general and the general chat around it. I expect defeats and the usual nonsense at the club but enjoy following it with the rest of the league. There's certainly very few clenched fist celebrations thesedays or head in hands when we're getting properly done, kind of a numb feeling watching the club thesedays. Certainly have no desire to go to a match.
  21. That's how I feel. I'll cheer a goal or enjoy a match but it feels very distant at the moment as how can you put your heart and soul into it with this current board/manager who basically have no ambition.
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