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Everything posted by ExiledGeordie

  1. ExiledGeordie

    Papiss Cissé

    He'll certainly be playing with a point to prove tonight that's for sure
  2. It is a good buy for Chelsea but it's not a straight up 7.5m is it, once you throw in the ludcrious agent fees and everything else it's more like 15m. Still that's nowt for Chelsea really is it
  3. He was on a basic weekly plus an amount per appearance. 50-60k or something in total?
  4. ExiledGeordie

    Loïc Remy

    Exactly, we desperately need more attacking options especially when you consider games coming up in Jan against Reading and Villa
  5. ExiledGeordie

    Loïc Remy

    :lol: True faith described the player recruitment delegation ages ago as the type who argue over who had the prawn cocktail or lemon sorbet at the end of a meal
  6. Cisse central with Marveaux and Obertan wide can give Everton problems.
  7. Was always going to happen at some point given the clause and how well he's played. Better for both parties in the "long run". Short term there's the stress of hoping Cisse immediately starts banging them in. I think the way we can set the side up with attacking players either side Cisse we'll get goals. Atleast we'll see Cisse in his natural position now. Lets get that striker in though, hope it's Remy.
  8. The worry is the longer the slump goes on the more the pressure builds and builds and especially as we're seen as a bigger club than others down around us. We need a full on effort against Everton, go for the win but even a point would be something to build on. Then we could "potentially" have a team for Norwich with S Taylor back in the side and a new arrival like Debuchy. Then you've got the two massive 6 pointers against Reading and Villa. We need to be going into those games with more confidence.
  9. God what we'd all give for a win here. Everton are such a tough side at the moment though
  10. If a fee has been agreed then you'd have to hope personal terms are a formality
  11. I think he's lacking confidence because of the absolute shambles going on in front of him.
  12. There've been far worse players to play for the club skill wise and FAR FAR worse players to play for the club attitude wise. I can't wait to see the right back spot upgraded and see the back of his poor play but I think people get a bit carried away with the abuse directed towards him. He's an average player but he's always been committed. Players like, Owen, Viduka, Marcelino, Duff........that's a different kettle of fish.
  13. Might take a bit of time to settle in like any player but has to be an immediate upgrade on Simpson right from the off. From what I've seen looks solid in defence with good pace but it's his football skills, neat passing and ability to attack/cross which stand out. Having someone like that on the right completely changes the dynamic of the team because an opposing team immediately has something else to think about in defence. Teams just back off from Simpson because he can't go past players and can't cross for shit.
  14. Even if Ba doesn't go can you see him starting this, otherwise Cisse down the middle? Krul Simpson Colo Will Santon Big Tiote Anita (fit?) Marveaux Cisse Obertan
  15. Really need to get a replacement in if this happens. Good luck to Ba, always put a shift in so can't complain.
  16. The Remy story has credence in relation to this latest development with Ba
  17. I agree with that Dave. I do also think however that with Cisse playing central, a replacement like Remy coming in (you'd bloody hope a replacement) and with Cabaye, HBA back in the side and another attacking fullback like Debuchy on the right the side will still be able to get goals.
  18. Maybe Dekka telling my cousin in NYC that 3 players coming in Jan wasn't a load of total bollocks
  19. Fucking hope so, desperately need someone like him
  20. Defending has been shocking but it's embarrassing that Arsenal had the extra break
  21. Good on him, keeping focus on the game. Not the time to make comments on that
  22. Terrible scoreline for Villa, christ :lol:
  23. Hoping for something but it's such a tall order after wednesday plus with our defensive frailties and the fact they've had extra rest.
  24. For what Sunderland paid for Johnson, he's been fucking woeful this season
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