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Everything posted by Aiston

  1. Sky News going on about how we are all deluded, expecting big names.
  2. No one is that stupid. Hope he scores and I'm proven wrong.
  3. Mitrovic to score and his fans will say all his doubters are wrong and he is a great striker.
  4. You must be forgetting how the forum acted towards Sels.
  5. Works out at 1 goal every 3 games. Most of those minutes have been the odd 15-20 minutes here and there. I've posted the stats when he actually starts. So we just ignoring the times he played because he didn't start, to make him look better now ?
  6. Murphy : 5 goals in 687 minutes in the Championship. Supposedly just a backup striker for us. Mitrovic : 4 goals in 1032 minutes in the Championship. One goal since November. That is an absolutely dreadful record for someone so highly rated on here. Ideally wouldn't have both next year really, neither are good enough strikers. Still would choose Mitrovic due to his age if we had to keep one.
  7. Maybe I'm wrong in thinking that to hold the ball up well, means to also get it to a team mate. That would make Mitrovic not good at all at holding the ball up, he has by far the worst pass success percentage in the team other than goalkeepers. 67.9% is absolutely dreadful.
  8. It's like people have forgotten about Shola Ameobi already, a non scoring shit but likeable bloke. Funnily enough, Shola will have been better than us then Mitro will ever be.
  9. Yet another great chance and he fluffed it again. The last person in this team I would want a good chance to fall to.
  10. The fuck is it with this damn club that we cannot just have a few weeks of being on a high.
  11. Had a bit of a shocker. Would still keep him for next season though, just preferably not first joice.
  12. His final chance at the end of the game was hilarious. Perfect height for the header, un marked, in a great position....nearly clears the stadium.
  13. Gayle & Ritchie a class above the rest.
  14. The only thing that could make this better is Rafa ripping up the contract of Colback, Dummett and Gouffran, in front of their faces, on the big screen.
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