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Everything posted by LRD

  1. The FA would consider his previous and the fact the incident happened in front of a live worldwide audience. Judging by their statement, they are determined to come down hard on Pardew and the 4 match ban precedent is only the baseline.
  2. I had him and chose to captain Sturridge thinking he's better value with his recent form.
  3. Thought all MLS 2nd kits have to be predominantly white. Or did I dream't that up?
  4. Clearing his debt with the extra tv money over 4 to 5 seasons with money left for players instead of not doing anything with those profits. Without his leverage on the 'loan interest', we can then sell the advertising space for revenue that goes back into the club. Nah, too difficult for some to comprehend. Ashley's done well for the club.
  5. Choosing between Sheik Mansour and Mike Ashley is such a tough decision.
  6. It would be impossible to enforce the no-contact part considering modern communications anyway. Mourinho easily circumvented a similar ban and Pardew would use that as inspiration. Even considering Pardew's limitations, the thought of Carver taking over matchday duties doesn't raise much confidence. Being part of the rage gang, he's as likely to implode any time.
  7. Yeah, they pretty much make up the rules as they go along. You can't trust them with transparent, fair and above-board decisions.
  8. Didnt they say similar about Anelka then bottle it? Terry/Suarez too arguably got less than expected based on the reaction so god knows, be underwhelming either way imo. The Anelka charges statement look pretty standard for what they usually come out with. 'Serious violent and/or aggressive nature' and 'non-standard', it looks likely they are determined to make an example of the Pardew case.
  9. Puma to Stifler is like Pardew to most on here. You desperately look for signs that they are going away even though they won't.
  10. Could be a more lengthy ban than I first thought judging from the wording of that statement.
  11. More towards the end of the season. Edit: Google says end April / early May.
  12. It took forever for this season's kits to be leaked. I wouldn't read too much into it.
  13. Next matchday is like a damage limitation exercise.
  14. 4 goals conceded in a half. Can't see Hughton lasting beyond this match.
  15. Even 7th, taking the Europa League spot they could have had if they'd won today. 7th qualifies for Europa if Man City wins this and both FA Cup finalists finish in the top 6? If the latter are not top 6, I believe 7th in the league does not get the spot.
  16. Wow, Man City went into cheat mode.
  17. Fair play to the mackems. They are attacking Man City, even with a goal up.
  18. http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/218/5/8/cat_vs_eagle____by_benjamin895-d45mpnv.png
  19. Even the normally reliable Kompany failed there. It's written in the stars yeah?
  20. http://i312.photobucket.com/albums/ll349/Todosobrecamisetas/Clubes%202014/EMAW1.jpg http://i312.photobucket.com/albums/ll349/Todosobrecamisetas/Clubes%202014/EMAW2.jpghttp://i312.photobucket.com/albums/ll349/Todosobrecamisetas/Clubes%202014/EMAW3.jpg Warrior black dark blue and white kit.
  21. http://i.imgur.com/HWHVuEX.jpg
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