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Everything posted by frankpingel

  1. Watching the build up, albeit for just a few minutes, my god they sound depressed.
  2. Fortunate to only be one goal behind. Big half time talk/changes required.
  3. frankpingel

    Ryan Fraser

    Can only be of benefit to us. Keeps him away from rest of squad and, potentially, a good season leads to a couple of million in the coffers.
  4. Enjoyed ep 3. More insight into Callum Wilson and Wor Flags was great. Still concerned about the growth needed in our fan base to improve revenue but as the Wor Flags bloke said, not at the expense of what we have already. The little lad talking about missing the football during summer took me back 50 years. We need to harness kids like him, he's the future fan I want at SJP.
  5. frankpingel


    Trained end of week so should be OK.
  6. Christ, hope your feeling better and on road to full recovery.
  7. Hope he has a great couple of seasons in SA and remains injury free. Certainly one to remember with fondness and no malice. Good luck Allan.
  8. EH talking openly about his sale confirms it's done.
  9. Off the back of your post I checked my bank and £37 is pending. No email from club though.
  10. Burn playing CB and ASM a more central position. Trippier midfield?
  11. I hope Chelsea get at least a point tomorrow night at Old Trafford as it gives this match more meaning. The kudos and little bit extra revenue of fighting for 3rd will make this a match worth watching.
  12. Knew these two (Bruno & Joelinton) would start. Tonight isn't a night to be nervous it's a time of excitement and achievement.
  13. Has he not just got/had a badly bruised foot? Surely it's had time to settle and a return isn't so surprising?
  14. So we're,potentially, looking at Bruno Joelinton & Longstaff. That'll do fine with our forwards mostly available too. All three midfielders are carrying a risk but it's definitely worth taking.
  15. Shouldn't even be an argument it should be a given. The fans should dictate any celebrations.
  16. Would have, obviously, taken a draw but this close no way.
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