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Everything posted by Wilson

  1. Man U? West Ham? clocked it. Beat Brentford, beat Villa. Quite comfortable being cocky at the min.
  2. I feel sorry for you feeling sorry for him. Fuck them, fuck him and fuck everyone that isn't us.
  3. Anyone else enjoy how many times Declan Rice said 'but them 5 goals we conceded....'?
  4. They weren't optimistic before the game tbf.
  5. I'm up a height here watching the reaction.
  6. Declan scheisse more like Fuckin class us.
  7. Of course Wilsons not a weak option, but dropping Isak is a massive shout regardless, assuming he's taken no knocks/been sick.
  8. Didn't expect changes for rest right now, maybe after today's game. But what the fuck do I know Beat these cunts either way. I hope.
  9. Wouldn't understand any changes from Sunday unless forced.
  10. Wilson


    Someone break out the Mackem fewm cycle so we can see which point were at.
  11. @Heron Is there a way to view the new surfer to search for names? Just ordered the the small version off the site but wondering if there's any of the design images available so the bairns can have a hunt for their names.
  12. Let's not get nasty about the sparsely haired please..mine is currently doing a Spurs defence v M. Keane.
  13. Cheering an everton goal like a match winner... felt dirty as fuck. Still do.
  14. On the way back to the car, a people carrier taxi full of mancs was going down St James Boulevard. Found it hilarious as they were. naturally getting a bit of grief, but they got caught on every traffic light giving ample opportunities for the masses to have their say Naturally some kid who was probably 4 stone soaking wet tried to give it the biggun, but gladly he disappeared and the harmless craic carried on. Even the little'n gave them a snarky wave as they passed
  15. The fuckin arrogance man WE DESERVE TOP CLASS PLAYERS TO BE ON OUR BENCH!
  16. Much like Botman, barely notice them due to them carrying out their duties to perfection. Not a foot wrong today.
  17. Referring to Newcastle as a top club? Worrying.
  18. DJ Stino - We Are Bruges by Club Brugge Songs on #SoundCloud https://on.soundcloud.com/uZxwM I knew I wasn't making it up The Gutierrez tune at the start after 'we are bruges'
  19. I went to Bruges but couldn't get a match ticket so ended up in the fan village in the square, mates were sending videos from inside the stadium. Bruges used to play the tune that the Gutierrez chant used, it looked like a proper rave they played it and all you could hear was our lot. Out of all the things that bugged me about not getting a ticket, that topped it.
  20. Wilson


    I'm fucking ill at him carrying a bag of shit haha Jesus.
  21. Honestly I want him to head back over so much, I'll be emotional as fuck singing the Gutierrez song. Love the bloke.
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