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Everything posted by LV

  1. This has got to be an attempt by his agent(s) to flush out some interest from a real club. Really can't see him going there.
  2. On what do you base that? We brought all of those players in under the same bods in charge that we have now (and there is little actual evidence that our transfer policy has changed dramatically). I'm not particularly worried about the quality of players we will bring in, just how they end up being used. What, little evidence apart from the zero signings of any quality you mean?
  3. You rarely get a South American milf.
  4. LV


    Bugger all has changed has it. Just change some of the names.
  5. they're going to find some better players? Nah, more bribe money. May get one or two opponents sent off to create a spectacle. ugh the prospect of Neymar diving for the next 4 weeks is not appealing. That's what we're going to get though. Him, Marcello and Alves. The Cavalcade of c***s f***ing the game over and the media lapping it up. I remember 1982 when Brazil were actually a technically brilliant team and exciting to watch. They didn't need to resort to diving. This..... this is just a shit parody of good football. It's become a tv show.
  6. LV

    Remy Cabella

    I fucking hate this corporate bullshit shower of cunts. They've turned a sports club with pretty damn noble roots into a bargain basement, low margin loving business fuckfest. It's the complete antithesis of the spirit of the city. They should be run out of town by a torch-wielding mob.
  7. LV

    Remy Cabella

    It doesn't really matter, just being part of the squad has probably added at least a million or two to his value. The Montpelier owner has played a blinder here, he's shoved a baseball bat up Ashley's arse. I would pay.....
  8. To be fair he's never played with Jack Colback. Just ask hoppaz about wor Jacks dazzling abilities and how lacking in skill Ben Arfa is in comparison.. I never said HBA lacks skill or ability but he lacks professionalism which transpires into the fact that if he was fit and sharp he might have controlled that ball better. As it happens he didn't and rather than track back to try to get the ball back he got up and pleaded at the ref for a free kick whilst they went up and scored. Again, where is the evidence that he isn't fit or wasn't fit when he wasn't being played? Please don't say it's because he looked fat in photos. I don't think I could take any more of that kind of 'evidence'.
  9. Ronaldo, would you say you are one of those people who disagree with anything anyone says?
  10. I'm pissed off with all the staff at Newcastle United apart from Carr. All 7 or 8 of them.
  11. I think in reality clubs tend to speak to the player first to agree terms to make sure it's worthwhile them bothering with a transfer bid to the club. At least that's what I've read before, I'm no expert and could be wrong.
  12. Looks like Zelda from Terrahawks (one for all you 1980s kids out there)
  13. Bet it's like the Emperor's New Clothes at our club at the moment. "That's right boss, we do play attractive, attacking front-foot football and you are a tactical genius. Do I get a new 5 year deal?" they would need to take the slimy c***s cock out of there simpering, fawning, mealy mouths to speak first. Hard to to recall a set of players en masse at my club that I have ever despised as much as the current crop of absolute s*** we have infesting SJP. with this fat, useless, cock sucker top of the list. Not even talented enough to be called average, the f***ing smarmy piece of s***. Would love to know who the other yes-men are aside from Elliott. I'm guessing Stevie Fistpumps, Williamson and Gosling (when he was here) for sure.
  14. Bet it's like the Emperor's New Clothes at our club at the moment. "That's right boss, we do play attractive, attacking front-foot football and you are a tactical genius. Do I get a new 5 year deal?"
  15. f***ing awful cow her, pretending to know what she's talking about when she inherited her business anyway. That's why she usually only invests if one of the others come on board. Sure her vag healed up years ago. And talking of useless c***s, who's actually making the final decision on transfers? Are we talking the one with the huge overblaaters or the one that looks like the re-animated corpse of the bride of Frankenstein? Deborah, the dumpling in a dress.
  16. f***ing awful cow her, pretending to know what she's talking about when she inherited her business anyway. That's why she usually only invests if one of the others come on board. Sure her vag healed up years ago. And talking of useless c***s, who's actually making the final decision on transfers? Are we talking the one with the huge overblaaters or the one that looks like the re-animated corpse of the bride of Frankenstein?
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