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Everything posted by LV

  1. Pardew you petty, hateful little man. When you are managing NoMark Town in the Skrillex Premier in a few years time I hope you think back to your times here and what it could have been and I hope it f*cking burns you to the core of your narcissistic, shrivelled husk of a soul.
  2. Hopefully the heli will land an Pardew's smug face.
  3. Is interesting to read about the Mourinho/hazard fall out. Lots of Pardew/Ben Arfa parallels. Watch Pardew copy Mourinho in whatever he does with the situation- he's a Mourinho disciple after all (all of the arrogance and none if the ability). I'll bet he uses pretty much the same words as Mourinho when talking about Ben Arfa in coming interviews.
  4. I know who it was and no, I wasn't with Ashley. Can you say who it was, Mick?
  5. Did he say why the players wanted out? (i.e was it because of Pardew or because of something else?)
  6. What a c*nt. What an absolute c*nt.
  7. Top Stuff, Jack Flash. We def need to start calling him 'The King'. Like that Steve Bacon says, ''King Clueless'.
  8. Was reading an article about the situation on the BBC website and the comments section was absolutely Had to just close the browser and step outside to regain my composure I'm currently on there (http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/27200000) trying to reason with people but there are some absolute C8nts on there basically blaming Newcastle fans for being the fundamental issue. They are obviously enjoying being WUMs but it's making my blood boil!!! Fair play to you LV, I just wouldn't have the patience for it tbh. At least on here (even though we have a few differing views) we're all coming from the same place, have the same hopes and desires etc but some of the WUMs on there and their comments were making my blood turn to magma I would have got an insta-ban without question. Patronising bunch of WUM c***s, basically "know your place, sit down and shut up" type thing I know, I dont know why I am doing it. Cant help myself but it's going to give me a coronary if I dont stop!
  9. Was reading an article about the situation on the BBC website and the comments section was absolutely Had to just close the browser and step outside to regain my composure I'm currently on there (http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/27200000) trying to reason with people but there are some absolute C8nts on there basically blaming Newcastle fans for being the fundamental issue. They are obviously enjoying being WUMs but it's making my blood boil!!!
  10. Definitely happens on like review sites. See the same comment repeated by diff people frequently. It's a common PR tactic - there's probably one or two on here!
  11. Would not surprise me one bit if that PR fella they hired chucks mongs a fiver for them to post pro-regime and pro-Pardew comments in the media.
  12. LV

    Mike Ashley

    Think that was more to do with the quality of the new players we brought in before he'd had a chance to Pardew them rather than any managerial genius on his part.
  13. Who needs planes? Shouldn't they all be checked? An X means that it's incorrect Surely the fans are saying the things they approve of are the ticks ? Exactly.
  14. They should all be ticks. The thing is a catastrophe. Hang on, isn't he just making the point that he approves of the financial stability bit but not the rest?
  15. There is no way the penny will have dropped for the media imo unfortunately. They are nowhere near done with their 'Geordies are deluded c*nts' hobbyhorse yet.
  16. He'll have 'been carrying a knock' or some other hogwash.
  17. Loads of banners getting shown now.... and the worst run of defeats for 26 yrs stat given by the commentator.
  18. I want Obertan on in full-on mong mode and I want him to score an own goal.
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