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Everything posted by LV

  1. Is that supposed to mean something? I don't get it Yes. Actually it does. For some (odd) reason the Norwegian media rarely mention Newcastle Unites. It's like the club never existed. This is the first time in a very long time they've actually bothered to comment on the club. So yeah, it's a 'special' greetings in that sense. Ex-Tottenham 'keeper from the 80s isn't he?
  2. Armstrong coming on is the only thing that has made me interested in this match.
  3. No doubt about it. He's been very poor, but I think that's more down to the environment he's playing in. I think he's a player that is directly affected by how a team does, he seems like a confidence player. When it's going bad he's playing bad, and vice versa. Can you imagine the downgrade in coaching he's had since moving from Inter to here. I mean Steve Stone ffs! With Pardew teaching him how to 'defend'. It's embarrassing. I still maintain that the periods we have done well have coincided with new players arriving and being of decent quality to begin with. Then slowly but surely this lot manage to 'coach' any quality out of them and reduce them to Pardew drones. Hey Presto! We look like a League 1 team.
  4. LV

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Shola has made a career out of giving away possession yet still gets picked. Gouffran looks like he's been wearing clown shoes for the last dozen games or so yet still gets picked. Gosling gives away stupid free kicks and surrenders possession with each of them yet bizarrely manages to get picked. Alan Smith was the worst passer of the ball I have ever seen in a Newcastle shirt, the simplest of passes would go straight to the opposition yet if his contract hadn't expired I'm sure he'd be getting picked by the fuckwit too. The argument that he gives away possession is laughable bullshit. The best players lose possession all the time as they try the hard things that lesser players can't even conceive of doing. He doesn't tackle back, it's not really part of his game. So f***. That's what defenders are for. Ben Arfa is a creative, attacking player whose only job should be to attack the opposition and create opportunities. Agreed.
  5. LV

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    People moan about him losing the ball and that's why he's dropped and yet Tiote has lost it many more times in much more dangerous positions and he is never dropped. I'm not saying Tiote should be dropped btw but there is definitely some double-standard bullshit going on here.
  6. Don't forget Cabaye. Actually i bet he was using him rather than Jonas He wasn't using anybody, he lied and as usual a liar was found out. He was put on the spot and clearly said the first thing that came into his head, this time his lie was obvious without even having to think about it. He lies about injuries, he lies about Europe, he lies about him having a winning mentality, he lies about how Cabaye going is the reason we're s***, he lies about him being positive and he lies about front foot football and other things. Exactly this.
  7. You can't argue with Science.
  8. Yeah, Charlton screwed up my Acca. Rob Elliott's fault tbh.
  9. How do you know it was cheese?
  10. Of course. You don't think it's slightly unfair on Elliot? An NUFC employee telling people in public that Keegan is a poor manager, not as good as Pardew and that 8th or 9th is our level? Aye, my heart bleeds. You don't say things like that "in confidence" man. He's as stupid for telling an NUFC fan those views as he is for having them in the first place. Course he is, I never said otherwise. It's just a dodgy way of scoring internet journalist points, that's all. Isn't it a way of trying to spread the word about the utter catastrophe of the current ownership and what it's doing to our club from top to bottom? You could say that, yes. But the principal of how it was done still applies IMO. What principals should the Guv be held to? He's shared the details of a conversation that took place in public. What's wrong with that? I do think hoying them in an article and reporting it like news is a bit far fetched. Should have remained on this place for us to ridicule him. However Ian used it perfectly to his own agenda as usual. Thankfully people are less stupid these days and can see right through him. I don't have any agenda at all, I don't even want to keep Pardew any more. I've no idea why I get such a hard time for it. I disagree with loads of people all the time, but I can still discuss it properly. Why not just have "everything about Ashley, Pardew and NUFC is evil" printed at the top of a blank web page? This is a forum FFS. Perhaps you need to change your 'style' then as you are winding up a lot of people on here by the looks of it with the way you are posting. 1 or 2 people getting wound up then you could say they are being sensitive but when you are antagonising so many people with your comments then it looks like you have an agenda just to be contrary and just to wind people up. But surely you have to question whether the reaction is reasonable? I asked a question about how an article was obtained and here's 3 pages of abuse. That doesn't seem normal to me. There was an implied criticism as to TheGuv's motives for publishing the article too, 'Internet Journalists Points' . That read very poorly. I'm all for these raw encounters with players being relayed. It's all to rare we are able to lift the veil and see what is going on at our club, away from 'the Bishops' influence and insipid Premier League PR. Clearly people can apply their own critical reasoning to the material in question. The reaction you felt is partly down to your focussing on how this information was obtained at the ignorance of what was was said. What was said is a far bigger priority for fans. First, no point was made about what was said, very specifically. Secondly, I think what is a priority for most fans is irrelevant, we're allowed to discuss anything. As for Guv's motives, I don't know them. Maybe it was a purely selfless act to expose how a current Newcastle Utd player wants to stick up for his manager. If so then sorry. See this is why people get annoyed. A snidey remark buried in that for no reason. A snide remark hidden behind apparent debate. Ok, so he's been well and truly sussed. Let's just get on with discussing what Elliott may have said rather than get sidetracked by him (Where's Trollemache btw?). I'm actually a lot more worried about the club now if even some of the players are believing Pardew's bullsh*t. I'm kind of not surprised that Elliott has bought into it given Pardew brought him in but if some of the others have too then we are well and truly screwed. I'm not that fussed. It's pretty clear that there will be some bog standard players sticking up for Pards because they'd never be at a club this level without him. There'll be plenty of the better ones who think Pardew's clueless, and they'll be off at the first chance they get. It really depends on whether Ashley believes we can survive another season in the premier without a proper manager. How do we know it's not the better players that have bought into it? Well it's just common sense. Why would Ben Arfa want to concentrate on stopping the opposition full back? Why would Gouffran or Sissoko? Why would Anita or Cabaye want the ball launched over their towards a single striker with no one within 30 yards of him? I really hope you are right. I'm sure Ben Arfa doesn't agree with any of it given the reports of a bust-up but what if the likes of Tiote and Coloccini think that it's all about work rate and countering what your opponent does first rather than taking the game to the opposition or using a flair player to his strengths such as, god forbid, attacking their wing back/full back. It may explain why they are reported to have turned on Ben Arfa if all they measure themselves on is 'stats'. Well according to the Mirror, Coloccini had a massive bust up with Pardew after the Stoke game. Other than that, who's to say which players support Pardew? None of them have been playing like they do. Didn't it also say Colo bollocked Ben Arfa too though?
  11. Ha. I'm not being arsey like. I'd just read that as Toon's Taylor saying he knew that the French lot had given up since Cabaye left and were unsettled. I just like to separate fact from opinion so I can understand the situation better.
  12. Of course. You don't think it's slightly unfair on Elliot? An NUFC employee telling people in public that Keegan is a poor manager, not as good as Pardew and that 8th or 9th is our level? Aye, my heart bleeds. You don't say things like that "in confidence" man. He's as stupid for telling an NUFC fan those views as he is for having them in the first place. Course he is, I never said otherwise. It's just a dodgy way of scoring internet journalist points, that's all. Isn't it a way of trying to spread the word about the utter catastrophe of the current ownership and what it's doing to our club from top to bottom? You could say that, yes. But the principal of how it was done still applies IMO. What principals should the Guv be held to? He's shared the details of a conversation that took place in public. What's wrong with that? I do think hoying them in an article and reporting it like news is a bit far fetched. Should have remained on this place for us to ridicule him. However Ian used it perfectly to his own agenda as usual. Thankfully people are less stupid these days and can see right through him. I don't have any agenda at all, I don't even want to keep Pardew any more. I've no idea why I get such a hard time for it. I disagree with loads of people all the time, but I can still discuss it properly. Why not just have "everything about Ashley, Pardew and NUFC is evil" printed at the top of a blank web page? This is a forum FFS. Perhaps you need to change your 'style' then as you are winding up a lot of people on here by the looks of it with the way you are posting. 1 or 2 people getting wound up then you could say they are being sensitive but when you are antagonising so many people with your comments then it looks like you have an agenda just to be contrary and just to wind people up. But surely you have to question whether the reaction is reasonable? I asked a question about how an article was obtained and here's 3 pages of abuse. That doesn't seem normal to me. There was an implied criticism as to TheGuv's motives for publishing the article too, 'Internet Journalists Points' . That read very poorly. I'm all for these raw encounters with players being relayed. It's all to rare we are able to lift the veil and see what is going on at our club, away from 'the Bishops' influence and insipid Premier League PR. Clearly people can apply their own critical reasoning to the material in question. The reaction you felt is partly down to your focussing on how this information was obtained at the ignorance of what was was said. What was said is a far bigger priority for fans. First, no point was made about what was said, very specifically. Secondly, I think what is a priority for most fans is irrelevant, we're allowed to discuss anything. As for Guv's motives, I don't know them. Maybe it was a purely selfless act to expose how a current Newcastle Utd player wants to stick up for his manager. If so then sorry. See this is why people get annoyed. A snidey remark buried in that for no reason. A snide remark hidden behind apparent debate. Ok, so he's been well and truly sussed. Let's just get on with discussing what Elliott may have said rather than get sidetracked by him (Where's Trollemache btw?). I'm actually a lot more worried about the club now if even some of the players are believing Pardew's bullsh*t. I'm kind of not surprised that Elliott has bought into it given Pardew brought him in but if some of the others have too then we are well and truly screwed. Eliot is in the minority of players that support Pardew. The foreign lot, mainly the French have given up when Cabaye left, felt he was holding back the development of the players while the rest are now totally unsettled. I add Krul in the latter list, he's like one of our own but is now fed up and wants away. Eliot probably thinks this is great as he'll get the number 1 jersey next season, but neither him or Pardew will be here IMHO. Ashley (under the guise of newly appointed charnley) will have no choice but to preserve his investment in the summer. It's either lose all the players that matter and gamble with new signings or sack the fraud and appoint a manager with so,etching about them who can make the players believe again. We are a higher end shop window club, like Tottenham, but what's the point in joining one of them if you are going to go backwards or even out of the division? Cabaye actually stopped progressing, it wasn't until he decided after the aborted arsenal deal he would play his way out of the club and attain the fee needed to get him away. Do you know this for a fact? i.e. the French lot and Krul being unsettled?
  13. Of course. You don't think it's slightly unfair on Elliot? An NUFC employee telling people in public that Keegan is a poor manager, not as good as Pardew and that 8th or 9th is our level? Aye, my heart bleeds. You don't say things like that "in confidence" man. He's as stupid for telling an NUFC fan those views as he is for having them in the first place. Course he is, I never said otherwise. It's just a dodgy way of scoring internet journalist points, that's all. Isn't it a way of trying to spread the word about the utter catastrophe of the current ownership and what it's doing to our club from top to bottom? You could say that, yes. But the principal of how it was done still applies IMO. What principals should the Guv be held to? He's shared the details of a conversation that took place in public. What's wrong with that? I do think hoying them in an article and reporting it like news is a bit far fetched. Should have remained on this place for us to ridicule him. However Ian used it perfectly to his own agenda as usual. Thankfully people are less stupid these days and can see right through him. I don't have any agenda at all, I don't even want to keep Pardew any more. I've no idea why I get such a hard time for it. I disagree with loads of people all the time, but I can still discuss it properly. Why not just have "everything about Ashley, Pardew and NUFC is evil" printed at the top of a blank web page? This is a forum FFS. Perhaps you need to change your 'style' then as you are winding up a lot of people on here by the looks of it with the way you are posting. 1 or 2 people getting wound up then you could say they are being sensitive but when you are antagonising so many people with your comments then it looks like you have an agenda just to be contrary and just to wind people up. But surely you have to question whether the reaction is reasonable? I asked a question about how an article was obtained and here's 3 pages of abuse. That doesn't seem normal to me. There was an implied criticism as to TheGuv's motives for publishing the article too, 'Internet Journalists Points' . That read very poorly. I'm all for these raw encounters with players being relayed. It's all to rare we are able to lift the veil and see what is going on at our club, away from 'the Bishops' influence and insipid Premier League PR. Clearly people can apply their own critical reasoning to the material in question. The reaction you felt is partly down to your focussing on how this information was obtained at the ignorance of what was was said. What was said is a far bigger priority for fans. First, no point was made about what was said, very specifically. Secondly, I think what is a priority for most fans is irrelevant, we're allowed to discuss anything. As for Guv's motives, I don't know them. Maybe it was a purely selfless act to expose how a current Newcastle Utd player wants to stick up for his manager. If so then sorry. See this is why people get annoyed. A snidey remark buried in that for no reason. A snide remark hidden behind apparent debate. Ok, so he's been well and truly sussed. Let's just get on with discussing what Elliott may have said rather than get sidetracked by him (Where's Trollemache btw?). I'm actually a lot more worried about the club now if even some of the players are believing Pardew's bullsh*t. I'm kind of not surprised that Elliott has bought into it given Pardew brought him in but if some of the others have too then we are well and truly screwed. I'm not that fussed. It's pretty clear that there will be some bog standard players sticking up for Pards because they'd never be at a club this level without him. There'll be plenty of the better ones who think Pardew's clueless, and they'll be off at the first chance they get. It really depends on whether Ashley believes we can survive another season in the premier without a proper manager. How do we know it's not the better players that have bought into it? Well it's just common sense. Why would Ben Arfa want to concentrate on stopping the opposition full back? Why would Gouffran or Sissoko? Why would Anita or Cabaye want the ball launched over their towards a single striker with no one within 30 yards of him? I really hope you are right. I'm sure Ben Arfa doesn't agree with any of it given the reports of a bust-up but what if the likes of Tiote and Coloccini think that it's all about work rate and countering what your opponent does first rather than taking the game to the opposition or using a flair player to his strengths such as, god forbid, attacking their wing back/full back. It may explain why they are reported to have turned on Ben Arfa if all they measure themselves on is 'stats'.
  14. Of course. You don't think it's slightly unfair on Elliot? An NUFC employee telling people in public that Keegan is a poor manager, not as good as Pardew and that 8th or 9th is our level? Aye, my heart bleeds. You don't say things like that "in confidence" man. He's as stupid for telling an NUFC fan those views as he is for having them in the first place. Course he is, I never said otherwise. It's just a dodgy way of scoring internet journalist points, that's all. Isn't it a way of trying to spread the word about the utter catastrophe of the current ownership and what it's doing to our club from top to bottom? You could say that, yes. But the principal of how it was done still applies IMO. What principals should the Guv be held to? He's shared the details of a conversation that took place in public. What's wrong with that? I do think hoying them in an article and reporting it like news is a bit far fetched. Should have remained on this place for us to ridicule him. However Ian used it perfectly to his own agenda as usual. Thankfully people are less stupid these days and can see right through him. I don't have any agenda at all, I don't even want to keep Pardew any more. I've no idea why I get such a hard time for it. I disagree with loads of people all the time, but I can still discuss it properly. Why not just have "everything about Ashley, Pardew and NUFC is evil" printed at the top of a blank web page? This is a forum FFS. Perhaps you need to change your 'style' then as you are winding up a lot of people on here by the looks of it with the way you are posting. 1 or 2 people getting wound up then you could say they are being sensitive but when you are antagonising so many people with your comments then it looks like you have an agenda just to be contrary and just to wind people up. But surely you have to question whether the reaction is reasonable? I asked a question about how an article was obtained and here's 3 pages of abuse. That doesn't seem normal to me. There was an implied criticism as to TheGuv's motives for publishing the article too, 'Internet Journalists Points' . That read very poorly. I'm all for these raw encounters with players being relayed. It's all to rare we are able to lift the veil and see what is going on at our club, away from 'the Bishops' influence and insipid Premier League PR. Clearly people can apply their own critical reasoning to the material in question. The reaction you felt is partly down to your focussing on how this information was obtained at the ignorance of what was was said. What was said is a far bigger priority for fans. First, no point was made about what was said, very specifically. Secondly, I think what is a priority for most fans is irrelevant, we're allowed to discuss anything. As for Guv's motives, I don't know them. Maybe it was a purely selfless act to expose how a current Newcastle Utd player wants to stick up for his manager. If so then sorry. See this is why people get annoyed. A snidey remark buried in that for no reason. A snide remark hidden behind apparent debate. Ok, so he's been well and truly sussed. Let's just get on with discussing what Elliott may have said rather than get sidetracked by him (Where's Trollemache btw?). I'm actually a lot more worried about the club now if even some of the players are believing Pardew's bullsh*t. I'm kind of not surprised that Elliott has bought into it given Pardew brought him in but if some of the others have too then we are well and truly screwed. I'm not that fussed. It's pretty clear that there will be some bog standard players sticking up for Pards because they'd never be at a club this level without him. There'll be plenty of the better ones who think Pardew's clueless, and they'll be off at the first chance they get. It really depends on whether Ashley believes we can survive another season in the premier without a proper manager. How do we know it's not the better players that have bought into it?
  15. Of course. You don't think it's slightly unfair on Elliot? An NUFC employee telling people in public that Keegan is a poor manager, not as good as Pardew and that 8th or 9th is our level? Aye, my heart bleeds. You don't say things like that "in confidence" man. He's as stupid for telling an NUFC fan those views as he is for having them in the first place. Course he is, I never said otherwise. It's just a dodgy way of scoring internet journalist points, that's all. Isn't it a way of trying to spread the word about the utter catastrophe of the current ownership and what it's doing to our club from top to bottom? You could say that, yes. But the principal of how it was done still applies IMO. What principals should the Guv be held to? He's shared the details of a conversation that took place in public. What's wrong with that? I do think hoying them in an article and reporting it like news is a bit far fetched. Should have remained on this place for us to ridicule him. However Ian used it perfectly to his own agenda as usual. Thankfully people are less stupid these days and can see right through him. I don't have any agenda at all, I don't even want to keep Pardew any more. I've no idea why I get such a hard time for it. I disagree with loads of people all the time, but I can still discuss it properly. Why not just have "everything about Ashley, Pardew and NUFC is evil" printed at the top of a blank web page? This is a forum FFS. Perhaps you need to change your 'style' then as you are winding up a lot of people on here by the looks of it with the way you are posting. 1 or 2 people getting wound up then you could say they are being sensitive but when you are antagonising so many people with your comments then it looks like you have an agenda just to be contrary and just to wind people up. But surely you have to question whether the reaction is reasonable? I asked a question about how an article was obtained and here's 3 pages of abuse. That doesn't seem normal to me. There was an implied criticism as to TheGuv's motives for publishing the article too, 'Internet Journalists Points' . That read very poorly. I'm all for these raw encounters with players being relayed. It's all to rare we are able to lift the veil and see what is going on at our club, away from 'the Bishops' influence and insipid Premier League PR. Clearly people can apply their own critical reasoning to the material in question. The reaction you felt is partly down to your focussing on how this information was obtained at the ignorance of what was was said. What was said is a far bigger priority for fans. First, no point was made about what was said, very specifically. Secondly, I think what is a priority for most fans is irrelevant, we're allowed to discuss anything. As for Guv's motives, I don't know them. Maybe it was a purely selfless act to expose how a current Newcastle Utd player wants to stick up for his manager. If so then sorry. See this is why people get annoyed. A snidey remark buried in that for no reason. A snide remark hidden behind apparent debate. Ok, so he's been well and truly sussed. Let's just get on with discussing what Elliott may have said rather than get sidetracked by him (Where's Trollemache btw?). I'm actually a lot more worried about the club now if even some of the players are believing Pardew's bullsh*t. I'm kind of not surprised that Elliott has bought into it given Pardew brought him in but if some of the others have too then we are well and truly screwed.
  16. Of course. You don't think it's slightly unfair on Elliot? An NUFC employee telling people in public that Keegan is a poor manager, not as good as Pardew and that 8th or 9th is our level? Aye, my heart bleeds. You don't say things like that "in confidence" man. He's as stupid for telling an NUFC fan those views as he is for having them in the first place. Course he is, I never said otherwise. It's just a dodgy way of scoring internet journalist points, that's all. Isn't it a way of trying to spread the word about the utter catastrophe of the current ownership and what it's doing to our club from top to bottom? You could say that, yes. But the principal of how it was done still applies IMO. What principals should the Guv be held to? He's shared the details of a conversation that took place in public. What's wrong with that? I do think hoying them in an article and reporting it like news is a bit far fetched. Should have remained on this place for us to ridicule him. However Ian used it perfectly to his own agenda as usual. Thankfully people are less stupid these days and can see right through him. I don't have any agenda at all, I don't even want to keep Pardew any more. I've no idea why I get such a hard time for it. I disagree with loads of people all the time, but I can still discuss it properly. Why not just have "everything about Ashley, Pardew and NUFC is evil" printed at the top of a blank web page? This is a forum FFS. Perhaps you need to change your 'style' then as you are winding up a lot of people on here by the looks of it with the way you are posting. 1 or 2 people getting wound up then you could say they are being sensitive but when you are antagonising so many people with your comments then it looks like you have an agenda just to be contrary and just to wind people up.
  17. What a f***ing surprise. Nicely argued. What's the point in arguing? You're clearly being contrary for no other reason other than thats your role on the forum. Agreed.
  18. That, if true, is horrific. How can we corroborate this? Has anyone else heard this?
  19. LV

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    That was my guess too.
  20. LV

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    I've not once thought he was too fat ever since people started saying it. No idea where this has come from. He looks more bulked in terms of musculature but fat, no.
  21. LV

    Lee Charnley

    Grand national losses and Greggs bill.
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