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Everything posted by LV

  1. This lot are there for the taking as well, we just need a more positive mentality. i.e. not the sort of mentality where De Jong has been warned about the threat of Chris Smalling and advised how to counter him by our negative hoop of a 'manager'.
  2. Are you going to answer my question or not? No - because what you've asked for is a pretty wide-ranging summary of Pardew's performance - save to say that I don't think absolutely every single thing he's ever done at Newcastle has been s***. Simple question for you: Do you think any other manager currently managing in the Premier League would have played Dan Gosling today whilst HBA sits on the bench? Knowing very little about the exact situation regarding Ben Arfa, but knowing that Pardew wants to win games and would probably play him if he thought he'd help to bring that about, probably yes. Whether he's right or not, whether he's managed Ben Arfa poorly or not etc etc are all separate questions. And now, because this forum is the way it is, I have to go out of my way to emphasise that I don't necessarily agree with Pardew on this. it's s*** like this. Just say what you think? If you think playing dan gosling is correct then say it Sitting on the fence when asked a very simple question Giving a non-categorical opinion on something you have limited knowledge of I have plenty of knowledge about football having followed the sport all my life. It doesn't take a genius to realise that HBA should be playing and Gosling shouldn't be at the club. Simple as that. If you really think it's as simple as that, your life of football watching counts for very little. Football is not Pro Evo. Here again I'm going to emphasise for all of your benefit that I'm not necessarily defending Pardew's selection of Dan Gosling, even though the last 2 emphases don't seem to have stuck. It really is though at base level. Right. Can I have a quote from you please, to put in my signature, saying that when it comes to team selection, football is just like Pro Evo? LOL
  3. Like a clowns f*** you aren't defending Pardew, jesus you bullshit nearly as much as him. You need to learn to read more carefully. Mick: of course it's a possibility. Did you see me ruling it out at any point? More likely it's quite a complicated judgement call, even if he has called it wrong. With reference to the last page or so of discussion about the forum, I'm going to leave it here, with Bimpy and LV hurling poo at dissenters. I have hurled no poo. I've been perfectly civil.
  4. I think a simple 'LOL' should be the stock response to anything Trollemache says from now on.
  5. Are you going to answer my question or not? No - because what you've asked for is a pretty wide-ranging summary of Pardew's performance - save to say that I don't think absolutely every single thing he's ever done at Newcastle has been s***. Simple question for you: Do you think any other manager currently managing in the Premier League would have played Dan Gosling today whilst HBA sits on the bench? Knowing very little about the exact situation regarding Ben Arfa, but knowing that Pardew wants to win games and would probably play him if he thought he'd help to bring that about, probably yes. Whether he's right or not, whether he's managed Ben Arfa poorly or not etc etc are all separate questions. And now, because this forum is the way it is, I have to go out of my way to emphasise that I don't necessarily agree with Pardew on this. it's s*** like this. Just say what you think? If you think playing dan gosling is correct then say it Ignore him man, he's clearly on the wind up and/or enjoys being purposefully contrary.
  6. Are you going to answer my question or not? No - because what you've asked for is a pretty wide-ranging summary of Pardew's performance - save to say that I don't think absolutely every single thing he's ever done at Newcastle has been s***. Yeah, you are def on the wind up.
  7. Are you going to answer my question or not?
  8. Trollemache, what exactly do you think Pardew has done correctly? What do you think are his good points as a manager? What do you think about him pushing his head into the face of another player? Let's hear your opinion.
  9. Contradicting himself again. The players 'haven't gone onto better things' if they leave yet the club 'is a great platform'. From which players can move onto better clubs, I presume he means. Once his mouth opens it's like a runaway train. I'm pretty sure even he doesn't know what he is going to say next. The bloke is an absolute chopper.
  10. This club is nothing but a shop window these days. A shop window for Ashley's tat and a shop window for players to come here with a view to being sold for profit. It's certainly not here for the fans or to win things like other clubs. What a complete horrorshow.
  11. Actually Gouffran genuinely shopped chasing his man. f***ing obscene non-entity of a footballer. Harsh. He was quite good at first until he finally succumbed to being Pardewed.
  12. Love how he's going to make Ben Arfa a scapegoat after this. Destroys his confidence a natural game and then gives him a half away to Southampton before hauling him off.
  13. Doesn't win many headers for a player of his height. Thought he'd be good at that but seems to get beaten in the air by defenders most of the time.
  14. And as some predicted, Ben Arfa comes on when the game is pretty much lost.
  15. Dummett way too slow there. Watched Deuloufeo take the ball down without challenging.
  16. Change the record, it's getting really boring now. Embarrassing really.
  17. Really don't think so. I don't remember a manager we've had who was as able to contradict himself as many times in the same interview as Pardew is, He just loves the sound of his own voice and it seems he doesn't really care what he is saying as long as he is beating his gums and a camera is on him. I can't stand him, he's an utter tube.
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