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Everything posted by LV

  1. LV

    Loïc Remy

    He then goes on about Taylor coming back from injury. Like a new signing! Jesus wept. Either that or recall Curtis Good and claim he's ready for the Premier league...
  2. It's just part of the grand plan to lure his brother here... (...and then play him out of position)
  3. LV

    Alan Pardew

    Seriously? What did he say?
  4. LV

    Alan Pardew

    Look, if we get rid of Pardew they'll only bring someone like Curbishley in. It's pointless. I've not got much faith in him right now but the alternatives scare the hell out of me.
  5. Tiote is not shite and nor is Santon. I think there's a bit of mass hysteria going on here about those two right now. Williamson however.... The lack of a decent cb to partner Colo is def the problem along with us sitting back and conceding the initiative all the time. Plus some of Pardew's dodgy 'tactical' substitutions.
  6. I just cant understand how we all knew taking Oberan off was a bad move yet Pardew thought it was a good idea. Are we missing something?
  7. It's the same old story. Start positively and then just sit back and watch the opposition play.
  8. I truly cant think of a more negative substitution we could have made.
  9. We're actually quite good when we have a go at teams and take the initiative but all this sitting back abd reacting to teams playing their own game around us will be the death of me....
  10. We keep shooting ourselves in the foot with defensive errors. We are where we are in the table precisely because we didnt invest in the centre back we were crying out for in the summer. So frustrating.... and i really hope we do sort it out in this window or i think we could be in serious bother.
  11. No better than us though if we take the game to the opposition for once instead of sitting back and trying to stop them playing. We need them to have to react to us, you know, front-foot football and all that....
  12. Yeah but likely meaning he'll get subbed in the second half.
  13. How the frig cant Swansea beat Villa?! Ruined my accy.
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