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Everything posted by LV

  1. The bloke is an utter embarrassment and a fraud. I wonder how much they pay him.....
  2. What kind of whisky? The choice for today was a Glenlivet 18yo. Splendid! A wise choice my friend. Bruichladdich for me tonight - it goes well with c-grade european football I find.
  3. This. It's really not difficult. Even I can get a ball over the first line of defenders.....
  4. Ah, I see. Innocent as the driven snow then.....
  5. So Juventus manager has been banned from the touchline for 4 months due to match fixing but still keeps his job. How does that work?!
  6. Was that the 'front-foot attacking football' that Pards promised us? What an absolute horror-show.
  7. Despite the West Ham result, i really thought we would win this. I just cant take the hope any more....
  8. Dowd's been tucking into the morrison's pie counter again recently by the looks of him...
  9. LV

    Mathieu Debuchy

    He'll fit in perfectly.
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