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Everything posted by LV

  1. You are joking with the 'for once' bit yeah? Stat: we never came back to win last season, sadly. Yeah, but i'm more confident in our ability to make a comeback after going a goal or two down than I have been for a long time.
  2. It's a concern like, an injury to Krul and we'd drop like a stone. What we need is a solid back up keeper. Someone like that big young lad from Celtic....
  3. No, Claire Rayner. Claire Raybor could probably have picked out a pass now and again at least.
  4. I'm genuinely concerned that Man U sold us an Obertan looky-likey. There is no way this fella can be a graduate of Clairfontaine, surely??
  5. Stoke fans singing "Who are ya, who are ya?" just makes me want to cry/puke.
  6. Daft decision to play a current French international?
  7. Haram at all times. (Hence why Demba politely declined to pass it on. ) Is it? thought it was Ok if you work in a bar for example or own an off-licence... Btw I once fasted for 10 days and when it came to playing football, I was weak and simply off the pace so its no wonder Ba and Cisse in partiuclar look so sluggish. No. It's all "evil". If that is the case then a lot of shop keepers in England are f***ed like Seriously, the Qu'ran also says its a sin to pass judgement and that one of god's gift to man is free will so.... It's also repetitive and f***ing boring. Agreed, never expected to get into a discussion about the quran. Back to football.....
  8. Haram at all times. (Hence why Demba politely declined to pass it on. ) Actually, it's not haram at all times. There is nowhere in the Qu'ran that says you cant handle alcohol. It's just that a lot of people are ill informed so err on the side of caution by not touching it. Don't want to bring up a debate about it. But there is a hadith or two where Mo says Allah curses whoever drinks alcohol, sells it, passes it on, etc. Fair enough - dont want to debate it either but it's a contentious issue. But there is nowhere where it says they cannot touch it with their hands. haven't read the whole Qu'ran myself and certainly dont know the hadiths but I have a lot of muslim friends and they are all clear that they are certainly allowed to touch bottles of it. Just not drink it.
  9. Haram at all times. (Hence why Demba politely declined to pass it on. ) Actually, it's not haram at all times. There is nowhere in the Qu'ran that says you cant handle alcohol. It's just that a lot of people are ill informed so err on the side of caution by not touching it.
  10. LV

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    A good point, well made.
  11. The pint guard is definitely Cabaye or Tiote, but the point is still somewhat valid. Ben Arfa is the one player in our team who is different from the rest. He regularly does things none of the other ten would think of trying. We need to give him space to operate and lead the team forward. He won't ask for the ball the majority of the time, but when he does, it should be given to him. Something is coming. Average performance, but a great result against a side that will be a direct rival if things go to plan. Two moments of brilliance from two people that will need to carry us on at least three fronts this season. For me, either HBA or Jonas play that PG role. Jonas is more of a Rondo type, not looking to score, but working hard to maintain possession and distribute. HBA is like CP3. Keeping us in the game, absolutely looking to score but more than capable of finding the right option. Tiote is Ron Artest. Ok wtf is a point guard? And if it's something to do with american football can we please never use it again... http://news.bbc.co.uk/sol/shared/bsp/hi/image_maps/05/9/1127724246/img/image.gif Jesus. Lock the thread.
  12. The pint guard is definitely Cabaye or Tiote, but the point is still somewhat valid. Ben Arfa is the one player in our team who is different from the rest. He regularly does things none of the other ten would think of trying. We need to give him space to operate and lead the team forward. He won't ask for the ball the majority of the time, but when he does, it should be given to him. Something is coming. Average performance, but a great result against a side that will be a direct rival if things go to plan. Two moments of brilliance from two people that will need to carry us on at least three fronts this season. For me, either HBA or Jonas play that PG role. Jonas is more of a Rondo type, not looking to score, but working hard to maintain possession and distribute. HBA is like CP3. Keeping us in the game, absolutely looking to score but more than capable of finding the right option. Tiote is Ron Artest. Ok wtf is a point guard? And if it's something to do with american football can we please never use it again...
  13. LV

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    This fella is just immense......and he's ours. Mental.
  14. Ba seemed to be gutted to get subbed. Says he just wants the team to do well but I'm not quite buying it. The happiness isn't there....
  15. She was in the tunnel too before the game started. And Pards will be in the tunnel....... etc etc
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