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Everything posted by teohgk

  1. teohgk

    Alan Pardew

    are you serious ? fantastic news?
  2. teohgk

    Alan Pardew

    are you serious ? fantastic news?
  3. people always said Ashley's free interest loan save us from doing a Leeds , it's not fucking free, i think we probably can get enough money to pay the bank interest the way he's getting free advertisement now.
  4. Stephen Carr and Habib Beye EDIT: Danny Simpson and James Perch
  5. Considering that Pardew first "brought" Tevez to the PL, a cheeky loan bid wouldn't go amiss you do know he's the one who dropped Tevez to bench right? Was taking the p*ss. Hence the smileys.
  6. Considering that Pardew first "brought" Tevez to the PL, a cheeky loan bid wouldn't go amiss you do know he's the one who dropped Tevez to bench right?
  7. teohgk

    Alan Pardew

    That one. Gosh, well clearly I was wrong. Except Keegan is still a crap pundit. Where's your apology? he ignore all these questions
  8. teohgk

    Alan Pardew

    rumour of Pardew quitting flying around
  9. Has anything happened like? Are you for real man??? Yes, as far as I know they've taken down some of the letters but nothing new has gone up. Sorry if Imissed something, I haven't been reading every page of this thread. You do know that Sports Direct one is made up, right? awwww ian man, you're tops like but come on - what do you think is gonna go up like? they're not cleaning the letters ahead of putting them back or something Well we'll see, if it happens I'll be as angry as anyone. All I've seen so far is a photo of some of the letters take down, and others left up out of order, and nothing else. Oh, and lots of people on a forum going mental over something that hasn't happened. As far as I can see it's just as likely to be maintenance as an evil plan to destroy the heritage of NUFC, but as I've said if something does happen then I'll go mental too. The club have already confirmed it's not for maintenance ffs. Ah right, missed that, as I said I haven't read the whole of the thread in detail. Have they said what it is then? Bit daft to claim everyone's 'going mental over something that hasn't happened' if you've not even read the thread then. The club have said it's going to be replaced with 'new, identical lettering' but have refused to confirm or deny that there's going to be commercial stuff added. Well, I've read the thread title and the last couple of pages, so I assumed that if the story was "NU lettering to be replaced with 'Cockneyz Rule OK' " I would have picked it up. From what you've said there's identical lettering going up, and there may or may not be something else added. So as I said before, nothing to go mental about at all. It's s*** on here at the moment, worst for a long time IMO. i think you are going mental about people going mental over something that hasn't happened more than those who going mental over something hasn't happened
  10. why bother about it when we always didn't get what we targeting
  11. teohgk

    Alan Pardew

    i highly doubt your doubt
  12. James Beattie touted for Newcastle or Everton move after Rangers exit http://www.metro.co.uk/sport/football/874298-james-beattie-touted-for-newcastle-or-everton-move-after-rangers-exit#ixzz1WoA8iDSQ
  13. do they ring the number as well when they in need of condom?
  14. teohgk

    Alan Pardew

    striker expensive ?just buy keeper http://www.cafc.co.uk/javaImages/39/10/0,,10267~9834553,00.jpg
  15. teohgk

    Alan Pardew

    I wouldn't say that - being told that all of the money brought in from a windfall transfer would be re-invested from day one, losing more players than the number coming in, having transfer fees and wages from outgoing players AT LEAST covering incoming transfers, spending less than last years summer transfers as a newly promoted team where we at least marinally built up the squad. When we bought in Bowyer it wasn't great but we hadn't finished four points away from relegation the season before , and sure we sold Woodgate to have lesser players but now we still have and still have Perter f***ing Lovenkrands playing and Alan Smith being a viable substitute in the managers eyes when they wouldn't get into any other Premier League teams 25 man squad. Oh, but we have a 21 man squad, that includes Alan Smith, Peter Lovenkrands, James Perch and Ryan Taylor - not really players you want to rely on week after week but will have to at least once this season. Seems like an absolute f***ing abortion of a transsfer window to me. come on , at least give him a break , he scored 2 goals already this season
  16. We've got it plastered all over the stadium and they're not our sponsors. Don't get me wrong, I'd rather not have it but I don't see it as a huge issue. Are Sports Direct not a sponsor in some small way? I know we have their logos on the player interview backgrounds along with Puma and Northern Rock. Even if they're not there's not much of a distinction between a sponsor and a company owned by the owner seeing as he's put his own money into the club. And no, I'm not an Ashley apologist in any way I just don't think that this in isolation is a big issue. Let's face it if Ashley had just gone out and spent £200m during the close season and we were challenging for the top 4 I doubt anyone would be bothered about him changing the sign. probably, but he doesn't and never will.
  17. That is half right. He also paid 140m in CASH to Shepherd and the Halls for the club, so even if his initial loan is paid back through profits that the club makes, there is still the initial capital cost of 140m. I think his total investment in the club is around 280m. If he makes a 40m profit for the past year and uses that to reduce the debt, then his net investment in the club will still be north of 200m, which means that if he sells for anything less than that, he'll have made a loss. And for what it's worth, when you invest almost 300m in anything, you expect returns every year. He's obviously not had any return on his investment over the past 4 years, so there is an opportunity cost to factor into it. A rough estimate of his investment so far is probably around 350m (without taking into account last year's profits). Ashley borrow 140m ---> SJH pay 140m ----> Shepherd club owe 140m ---> SJH owe 140m-----> Ashley i think that's the case in the above scenario, i had no idea at all why you have the amount of 280m
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