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Chicken Dancer

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Everything posted by Chicken Dancer

  1. Sinclair & Zog- big yes. Upson please, please stay away from. Although I can see it now.
  2. I hope we're playing 4-3-3. Alot more attacking and hard to defend against, especially with the 2 behind the 1 in the front 3 continuously swapping. Tiote would be crucial in this system like, as would full backs. Which we need two very decent ones over the summer.
  3. We would never get Sturridge, be class though.
  4. The thing is, if the money is invested from both Carroll and Enrique, we could be better off. However, the detrimental effect if could have on the team is potentially very harmful;losing two key players that have played a big part in the remaking of the club, both on the field and off it. If the money is invested in 5/6 players I don't think many of us would complain, but what has to be looked at beyond their footballing abilities is their willingness to buy into the club, as AC and Jose have.
  5. Don't know why it 'f***s you off' like, I find it highly amusing. Because he's a massive hypocrite, really.
  6. Tell you what fucks me off actually, the fact that Bruce said we had a 'lack of class' after the 5-1. Since then, he's stated he was determined to finish above us, was counting down the days until the January derby and had a song planned. And just look at him on the touchline ffs, in his tight tracksuit. He portrays himself in the least classiest way possible, the big idiot.
  7. Carew? Hitzelsperger? Davies? Not Kevin, surely?
  8. No he didn't! As I said a few weeks ago, he only stayed because no one would take him. Fair enough, he was amazing and has been for about 20 months but that doesn't mean he wanted to stay, just no one would have him. If he wants to fuck off let him, ungrateful spic. Club doesn't revolve around a left back,man. Even if he is a class one. My vote goes to PVA.
  9. Tiote's strength is his technique, he's a very good at holding the ball under pressure and making the right pass. It's the most important aspect for any central midfielder and no amount of goals will get you into a top side without it. If Mulumbu has that much ability then Chelsea or Arsenal will be chasing him this summer. I suspect he's nowhere near as accomplished a player as Tiote though. This. Mulumbu has scored a few aye, but is that his role? I'd much rather Tiote done what he was doing at the cost of him not scoring many. If you just watch him man, he's perfect for what he does.
  10. Just rememberd they have a picture of Sorensen saving Shearer's pen in their bar or something. Small time cunts.
  11. If they went down, I wonder what price we'd be looking at. £7/8 million?
  12. But this is the bloke who thinks that Leon Best is the new Thierry Henry.
  13. Well I'd hope not, but why would Ashley rid of something but create it again? Would baffle me, but I've applied to move there from L7 so jokes on me .
  14. The 3 options on the renewal form i put 3 different blocks in level 4 so they'll probablies spite me and put us in s**** seats. But say if they did, can you not move again after they allocate you? Just 'cos i'd want to sit somewhere like the Gallowgate Upper than sit level 1 row AA in the Leazes... I'm not sure mate, just know I'll be fucked right off if I don't get in Level 4!
  15. Why are the Playoff finals at Old Trafford? To do with Champions League being at Wembley? Apologies if I answered my own question
  16. Wouldn't surprise me if all of us who have applied to move to Level 4 from 7 ended up dotted all over the ground. After all, why would Ashley rid of something he considers a nuisance only to let it happen again? I hope to fuck not like but I could see his logic if we were dotted about.
  17. As I've said all along, we'll either get beat or draw, not that I'm fussed. Just hope people stay to applaud at the end, and that them jammy bastards don't sneak above us, you know they'll remember it for 113 years.
  18. Would absolutely love Charlie back. Bought him on manager last week and I play him, Jonas and Ben Arfa behind Connor Wickham. Beat Sunderland 3-0 first game of the season, so this is quite clearly a sign .
  19. I find it quite tedious that people are assuming the £35 million is our summer transfer buudget, by people I mean the press etc. Surely we would have had an allocated amount for summer buisness regardless of the Carroll transfer, which in turn should have just added it , no?
  20. This. Talk of Leon Best being fantastic all of a sudden? Granted, he scored a few, but if he is our main striker come September I will be worried. Anyone would be worried, but Defoe hasn't looked worth it for a year and a half. There are better options out there. Ahh I'm not debating that, what I am saying is that I would prefer Defoe over Best, just my opinion though.
  21. This. Talk of Leon Best being fantastic all of a sudden? Granted, he scored a few, but if he is our main striker come September I will be worried.
  22. Aye and he's on about £60k a week at Chelsea, which we wouldn't pay.
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