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Everything posted by Penn

  1. We have so many thick fuck players who put absolutely no thought or care into what they do.
  2. Slightly mackemish to still be crying about the Villa stuff six years on.
  3. Anita is a dire footballer. Can't defend, can't attack, can't pass over 10 yards without fucking up somehow.
  4. Penn

    Adam Armstrong

    Another. He basically is Messi at that level tbh.
  5. Penn

    Cristiano Ronaldo

    Because it's obviously complete bollocks.
  6. Penn

    Aaron Spear

    There was a huge amount of hype around Doninger when I was a kid. Played against him a few times and he always destroyed us. In hindsight it's obvious he never had ant great ability, just the physique of a 20 year old at 13.
  7. That one tweet - translated from French into Italian then into English - is going to be used to justify this.
  8. "Our fans are frustrated. I think they're the best fans in the world but they're upset. We need to respond to that as a club" "I wasn't going to antagonise the situation. Everytime I came to the sideline it got difficult so I left it to John Carver"
  9. "I think the local press in the NE has been damaging for us this week. They've come for us, they've been banned from the stadium and I think that was reflected in the fans today." The chutzpah of this cunt.
  10. Jesus Christ. How can people be this lacking in critical faculties?
  11. There was zero chance anything but a diabolical touch was coming there.
  12. Santon in the middle is right. No Shola though.
  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TQhOS9_qi0 His goal and assist were both really good.
  14. Can you give an example?
  15. I certainly don't think we can come to the conclusion that Haidara's a better defender yet, but one terrible game doesn't mean much either way at this point. My own view on these two is that Haidara looks promising (does show some very good promise defensively) but is as yet still an unknown quantity overall. Santon on the other hand has played plenty and IMO he just isn't a good defender, he can still improve since he's only 22, but right now he's weak defensively. I'd love an explanation as to how he's poor defensively, as opposed to the oft-used argument of "he just isn't a good defender but I'm not really going to back that up with anything of substance". He stops almost nothing coming in from the left. If an opposing player has possession there with Santon to beat, it's almost guaranteed he'll be able to play a ball into the box largely unopposed. I don't know how people miss this.
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