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Everything posted by Smal

  1. think it is. Taylor was warming up even in the first half. Wouldn't be surprised to see Ferguson come on for Anita as well
  2. two games in a row Colo's been beaten by a simple ball over the top. Should be defended very easily.
  3. Llorente on a free at the end of the season?
  4. how many more appearances does Xisco have to make before we pay more money for him?
  5. Not far off a million over 5 years
  6. christ, if we signed someone like Benat then our style would have to have a major overhaul otherwise he'd be totally wasted.
  7. Smal

    Papiss Cissé

    Well that logic is flawed, because by playing on the left Cissé will never hit any form
  8. yeah, at this moment he's too raw to start league games imo. He'd end up losing the ball a lot of times if he played from the start and it'd do him more harm than good. Give him a few starts here and there in the other competitions by all means though.
  9. Why? He looked shaky there today and was much better in the centre
  10. Smal

    Papiss Cissé

    It's obvious, but we really do need to get the ball in his area more often. Last season we got the ball in the box a lot more, and Cissé did well because of it.
  11. yeah, he was good today. I don't know how he beats players sometimes though. Looks so leggy and out of control and then just drifts past two men at once
  12. Smal

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    I thought he was fine today tbh. I thought it was generally accepted that he will lose the ball a fair bit, but what he otherwise provides is far more important? At the end of the day, he set up our only goal with sublime skill that no one else in our team could've managed
  13. Smal

    Steven Taylor

    aye, MOTM for us I think. Anita was good too.
  14. hopefully keeps this up. Have no doubts he'll be a good player if we play the right formation and he plays his right position on a consistent basis.
  15. need to swap Ba and Cissé, like. Ba will be more involved deeper and Cissé can actually do what he's good at
  16. His proper position. Think he's only actually played there when we've had another DM on the field at the same time, so it'll be interesting to see him play how and where he's meant to.
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