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Everything posted by Smal

  1. Smal

    Alan Pardew

    It's not like. There's been plenty of other shit managers before him.
  2. Smal

    Alan Pardew

    I'm going to assume they're counting chances as things like Tioté and Ba shooting from 30 yards at every given opportunity.
  3. Smal

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    This guy belongs with Descartes and Comte and all those other great French philosophers
  4. Yours was WAY funnier though
  5. Smal

    Alan Pardew

    aye, because Joey Barton is the pinnacle of morality
  6. I don't rate him /authorityoffootball
  7. Nice one, Duff will score now. he was going to anyway, let's face it.
  8. Smal

    Alan Pardew

    The players out there are a combination of freebies, extremely raw youngsters, rubbish we can't shift/loan, or a combination of all 3. There's no scope for moulding half of that lot into any philosophy. The Ameobi brothers started the game, for the love of God. True, but it makes having a clear philosophy all the more important. Clarity of purpose is what enables clubs with poor resources create effective teams. APs tactics are like Frankenstein's monster, just random bits stuck together to create an ugly clumsy mess. He has to decide if he wants us to be a passing side or a direct side. Are we going to defend deep and play on the break or press high up the pitch and try to dictate play. The constant chopping and changing of tactics must be confusing for the players. It must also make it hard to decide which free transfers to target. I get the impression that this sort of thing doesn't really interest Pardew and that he's more bothered about how we stop the opposition. Ironically, we're no good at stopping the opposition either. But I do fully agree with the points you're making. We have no philosophy or structure to our play and we never really have for an extended period under Pardew.
  9. massive disappointment that he wasn't able to follow up on such an excellent display on Monday. Looked knackered and the pitch definitely didn't help the way he likes to play.
  10. we was lacking some leadership so we was bring on Coloccini. I believe I have Pards talk nailed
  11. Don't think we've actually looked very interested in the game which is weird considering it's a young team
  12. Hopefully Marv scores a hat-trick and forces Jonás out of the team on Monday.
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