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Everything posted by Smal

  1. and Shola will start and Pardew will try to reproduce our victory vs them last season. It won't work
  2. They certainly deserve to go down. Remind me of us when we got relegated.
  3. IIRC he had the highest pass completion of our lot today. Mainly due to QPR being up to nothing and not pressing whatsoever mind.
  4. Smal

    Papiss Cissé

    You can't see the difference between the two situations?
  5. you can't give credit to Pardew for bringing on Marveaux, man . He should've started
  6. He hasn't looked like scoring whatsoever. Been very, very poor.
  7. there's absolutely no reason why Perch should be playing in a game like this over Marveaux.
  8. Arsenal and Barca don't counter much either so there's usually too many defenders to shoot through?
  9. Ronaldo - 11.7% Messi - 21.57% Falcao - 33% Van Persie - 16% Rooney - 11.98% Henry - 15.4% Ronaldo and Rooney try too hard.
  10. Wanting to play certain winger because it stops an opponent's defender from being able to attack. So negative
  11. why is the Daily Mail allowed?
  12. Smal


    Robert Elliot ‏@the_dilsh “@lewisnufcmcnall: @the_dilsh who's the funniest in training?” Dan gosling,without realising it! I like to assume they laugh at his ability
  13. if we signed him back it might just tip me over the edge.
  14. Smal

    Other clubs' transfers

    Ince is potentially a good signing, don't think Sturridge is up to much though.
  15. Dos Santos probably should've moved a couple of seasons ago. Might be a little late for him to develop anywhere else now.
  16. Smal

    Alan Pardew

    'Jonás has been shit and we have other options, but yeah I'll keep playing him because I like him.' Sweet.
  17. Downing is shit. We can, and I'm pretty sure we will, do better.
  18. Smal

    Other clubs' transfers

    Liverpool are after him aren't they? In fact, I read the other day that they were after Tello, but if they couldn't get him their contingency plan was to go for Deulofeu instead. Isn't Deulofeu far more talented anyway?
  19. Can I also have your bed time please Ronaldo? edit: aw man, he changed it
  20. I'm not disagreeing with him, but it's certainly ironic if he's complained about the style of play when it's pretty much based around him.
  21. If he's saying shit like that then I won't be displeased when he leaves at all.
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