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Everything posted by Smal

  1. Ashley Williams does not like Suarez http://www1.skysports.com/football/news/11095/8266779/
  2. No Martin Taylor. That's where we went wrong
  3. so disappointing that tackles like that Hangeland one are considered red cards now. We are far too hung up on these 'potentially leg breaking' tackles in football. Adebayor's yesterday was never a red card either. All tackles are potentially dangerous and you're as likely to break your leg in a completely innocuous tackle as any other. Tackling is part of the game and players are going to get hurt. I blame Sky and the media.
  4. Smal

    Alan Pardew

    we weren't even remotely tight either . Swansea cut through us very easily on the counter and they could've scored 4 or 5 on another day
  5. mental. And you still get the feeling that he (and Barcelona) could be playing better.
  6. hold on... is Enrique playing left wing?
  7. yeah, he was quietly one of our better players today. Nearly scored and set up another good chance we should've put away.
  8. No that would be Pardew. Pardew hasn't again and again proved himself incapable of earning his wages here. he has this season.
  9. decision to bring Shola on was a disgrace. Unbelievable that Pardew persists
  10. Thought whilst reading his quotes this week that he was going to do it all by himself today. Sounded well up for it anarl
  11. Smal

    U23s & Academy

    AC not involved at all then?
  12. Smal

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    thought he was pretty much our best player at the weekend. Only Taylor and Santon close to him. completed eight dribbles vs West Ham. West Ham as a team managed one between them (Modibo Maiga)
  13. I'd say he already is a very good player tbh. Has been underused a bit in the most important years of his development though
  14. Smal

    Alan Pardew

    Cabaye has to be a lot further up the pitch than that and I'm not convinced Anita and Tioté will be able to play in the same team. From what Unbelievable! says and from what I've seen, Anita has to be the deepest midfielder who picks the ball up off the centre halves. That would mean Tioté playing higher up the pitch, where I don't think he'd be very effective.
  15. Dreadful, like we have been for 90% of the season. We have vastly superior players, yet an Allardyce team are playing better football than us. Pardew needs to sort this out in the next couple few months. If he doesn't then a change is needed.
  16. Jonás in the middle in a midfield 3 is fine. In a two, not so much
  17. You can see the reasoning behind it though. Adebayor is infinitely better at holding the ball up, which they'll need against Man City because their midfield alone isn't sufficient enough to keep possession in games like this.
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