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Everything posted by Pixelphish

  1. Here Bruno, get on the case to Vini Jr and bring him home. Cheers.
  2. Was convinced West Ham would be hung over. When are Everton going to flush man.
  3. I can't believe they're going to crawl out the toilet bowl again.
  4. Not got it on but I assume Arsenal have given up and Forest are fighting for every ball?
  5. Good morning to everyone, but especially Villa fans. Wrong thread
  6. I woke up positively glowing this morning. The same kind of feeling where you think you have to work then realise it's your day off/weekend. So happy Bruno got his goal and didnt get what looked an inevitable second yellow. Chefs kiss.
  7. Can we see some fresh legs or not man I can't take this.
  8. Absolutely a dive but I'm convinced Kane gets that. Tin foil etc.
  9. I'm stuck watching a pet triceratops on cebeebies.
  10. Late to the party but this is perfect
  11. Loves a Scottish international does Eddie.
  12. I do wish it was someone other than M. City or the usual suspects but, I'd be lying if I didnt take some joy from this. Mysteron looking ass.
  13. I'm joining the ranks of the bedwetters. Where do I collect my sheets?
  14. Feeling pretty humbled about my ball knowledge right now because we clearly miss this guy putting it about in midfield.
  15. Seriously though why wasn't that a second yellow?
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