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Everything posted by Pixelphish

  1. Im sure Jurgens impeccable morals would see him walk in that event.
  2. Really thought we'd get the draw. I'm sad.
  3. We'll score. In willing it into existence.
  4. Why does Neville love Arsenal all of a sudden.
  5. Can still get a result like. More than gone toe to toe.
  6. Confident we'll do what's necessary regardless but would be nice to have some help ffs.
  7. Gutted we didn't get 007 memes for Frank tbh. I know they're low brow but imagine Fat Frank in a tux.
  8. Imagine being a Leeds fan right now, man.
  9. Think this is the worst I've seen CFC in the modern era. They look like they've never played together before.
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