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Everything posted by Pixelphish

  1. Hopefully the only sight we have of him today is walking out with his box of condiments and his favourite feeding trough.
  2. The random deletes Graves tweet still gives me hope.
  3. Well im defo believing Ando over the Daily Star ffs.
  4. I'm working myself into a state like Doon now. I cant rest until its official.
  5. I can feel your anxiety from here, Doon
  6. Disney on the shirt would be mint
  7. Don't know if I'm reading too much into this, hard not to when its this clown, but I'm assuming this is another dig at Staveley?
  8. Caulkin as well, although I'd like to think he simply said give him his 1000th game then give him his pay off at worst.
  9. This cunt been sent down the Tyne yet?
  10. It does lend weight to the conspiracy theory that Hoffman was brought in to stop the takeover
  11. He couldn't give less of a fuck. Payoff is likely secured and is already thinking of his large kebab on the way back to the North West.
  12. Maybe its Alex in the MS paint job.
  13. Biding his time for when they consistently miss CL football and all future revenue projections are in the bin. Guess who wins again.
  14. Pixelphish


    Their obessesion with class is part of the fabric of life. We'd miss it if it was gone.
  15. English and plays for their beloved Man U.
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