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Everything posted by Heake

  1. Heake

    Transfer rumours

    Looks like its Slimani then Please don't be dogsh1t
  2. We`ll make a nice tidy profit this window...Luvly Jubbly...etc
  3. Yes, they'll pay there respects to a loyal & respected servant & icon, but the King will be the real crowd pull.
  4. Any kind of money is dead money if we`re not buying quality. We already have decent - but not special- forwards in our squad. The whole pont of this window (in my view) was to push the boat out, buy someone who can score the goals that can keep us up. The world & his mother know its one thing we`re crying out for, an absolute must & we`ve shown that its beyond us to do that. Results assumed
  5. Assuming it's not spitefulness as always seems to be shot down, all I could suggest is that he's accepted he won't get what he wants in a sale and is therefore gambling that Rafa's connection with the fans keeps him here and his managerial ability keeps us up. We're just about coping so far, it's not like we're cut adrift at the bottom of the league. So it probably seems like a decent bet. He then takes the unspent transfer and TV money to top up whatever he gets from the sale, cuts and runs. I can see the logic in this, but If he has shat on Rafa (As seems the case again) his gamble is high risk, not least as it is dependent on notoriously fickle relegation scrap results / performances against clubs with better squads & a (potentially) considerably less toxic home support than he seems to be whipping up here. Probably worst of all though, we know he gets off on this kind of shit.
  6. All the more reason he shouldn't want to go back ...For four fucking months man!!!....Its not like he was signing for a 5 year deal...fuck him the soft twat
  7. Especially ones with a questionable attitude & glass calves * I`m not bitter
  8. Heake


    They will be by 10pm Wednesday
  9. Fully support the sentiment but by then it will be too late to make a difference (Were that even possible).
  10. Jorgensen just gone up a couple of Million surely!
  11. He`ll be doing that dance amid the grumble mags & mirrors in his faux-gold wallpapered office
  12. "When your King, you can have anything" ...yeh?
  13. wat Exactly lol Missing the point entirely, the issue isnt that he could shift the space to someone else, it’s that he’s using one company to to promote another (to the detriment of NUFC). Pretty much the same as he uses His tat shops to sell our gear. Theres a good reason our commercial revenue has stagnated so much under his stewardship. Clearly SD is his baby and we are the bitch of the family, assimilated into his cesspit of tawdry tat with the likes of Lonsdale, Slazenger, Donnay... etc
  14. Might be way off like, but it wouldn’t surprise me if we’ve bid as much as we’ve got until the loon is pedled. If he stays, we buy no-one
  15. He`s a "Donnay" rather than a "Nike" by the looks of things
  16. With the swift brush of a pen he’ll magically turn to dogshit
  17. What has he done to prove he's a 'top midfielder'? No goals, no assists this season. Poor physically, poor workrate, can't tackle, can't dribble, can't shoot, s**** set pieces, doesn't get into the box. Short passing game is poor, regularly plays the wrong pass. The only attribute he has, is the odd spectacular pass - which so far has managed to create one goal this season against Liverpool. The idea that he's a 'top midfielder' is beyond insane. He's dreadfully limited. When he plays, he`s a threat, I`ll grant you his defensive game isn't the best & when he doesn't start, that's usually why. If he goes I think you'll find it'll be two combative midfielders at all times and a pacier three behind the striker. Solid platform and let a front 4 create for themselves. Besides if Merino is fit enough he'll provide as many key chance passes as Shelvey imo. I`ll go with that...but would you be confident about opening up a premier league midfield /defence (Other than hoofing it) if Merino gets a knock?
  18. What has he done to prove he's a 'top midfielder'? No goals, no assists this season. Poor physically, poor workrate, can't tackle, can't dribble, can't shoot, s**** set pieces, doesn't get into the box. Short passing game is poor, regularly plays the wrong pass. The only attribute he has, is the odd spectacular pass - which so far has managed to create one goal this season against Liverpool. The idea that he's a 'top midfielder' is beyond insane. He's dreadfully limited. When he plays, he`s a threat, I`ll grant you his defensive game isn't the best & when he doesn't start, that's usually why.
  19. Whist there's no argument about his dodgy nappa, how people can argue that he`s not a top midfielder is beyond me. Its not just the accuracy of his passing but the vision to see the pass. As said earlier, without a top quality replacement, you loose Merino then you`ve got what?
  20. Where is this from? The twitter mongs? Came up on my feed as well
  21. If shelvey goes without a "playmaker" replacement we`ll be Championship bound
  22. Whoever it is (If its anyone at all) it will almost certainly depend on outgoings. Dildo deadline day will be another deja vu with another "couldn't quite get it over the line"
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