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Everything posted by Heake

  1. Heake


    LFC fan on the brown
  2. a better bet is chinning someone & getting sent off
  3. Rafa`s under contract, at a club he loves amidst fans who love him & in an area he has a great affinity to. (He's also very handsomely rewarded as well) Unless Fat bloke bins him, he doesn't walk - end of
  4. He can be consoled by watching the car crash enfold on a beach somewhere without an ounce of guilt.
  5. they've probably had the nod of their lawyers that Silva`s good to go
  6. Heake


    I recognise that chap on the left. Thats "Odd Bodd junior" out of carry on screaming.
  7. Isn’t it that “multiverse” theory that postulates for every potential outcome there are an infinite amount of outcomes which get played out an infinite amount of times all the time. By that rationale, it’s quite possible, therefore, in my shite world, we go down. ...it’s also possible, mind, that I could be nuts deep snorting aaa grade Cocaine off the tits of a bevy of high class whores by 10pm tonight after coming up big on the lotto.
  8. Stays like that we’re mathematically safe as I figure
  9. An extraordinary rare hit!
  10. This. Bunch of nancy boy pansy bottlers in the middle of the park. Get into em!
  11. Heake


    If it happens, then: "Them Geordies`ll be expecting champions league next year"
  12. Pardew, Kinnear, Carver, Mcclaren...Jesus we`ve had some shithouses recently man
  13. Heake

    David Squires

    That'll be the ultimate tap in...but please!!
  14. What was their craic like? As I said above, just continually pedalling the line that he was on a hiding to nothing taking that job with that squad and looking to stick up for him whenever possible, almost absolving him of the way they behaved on the trip to Spain. The lad from the Express and Star mentioned the fact Pardle lost his wallet and whatnot too, implying he's just as bad and shambolic. He also covered the points about how Pardle treats younger players, as we saw when he managed us and hung them out to dry after the second Brighton game. Sutton was saying Pardle might simply decide it's not worth taking another job because of what's happened here, as if he's been hard done to - totalling ignoring the fact he mightn't be offered another job because he's a toss manager. From the beeb: Sutton also questioned whether Pardew would want to manage again after his experience at The Hawthorns. "He has been a successful manager in the past, that's why he got the job," he said. "When you look at the way senior players have let him down, he might think 'I've had enough, I don't want to go back into this rat race'." Chris Sutton proving that you can still consume copious amounts of industrial strength marijuana and still get a gig on the Beeb
  15. Heake


    Birmingham have found a bounce under monk. Can’t see them going down. Deck chairs and cigars please
  16. Heake


    League 1 is without doubt an appropriate platform for Chicken towns finest. On the Brightside, they cannot be subjected to the spikey chant of "You`re not famous anymore" that was levelled at us on our brief flirtation with the Championship.
  17. I remember when he stank this place out. His staunch, never say die attitude was clearly a thinly veiled blag to hang on to any compo that he may have been due. To have left having been "headhunted" with his record still defies belif really.
  18. He’d resign before the game if this was the case like - not a chance his ego could take that. Tend to agree. There's no way he'll let himself take that volume of abuse. No way. Disagree, In his world it would be facing adversity head on, reinforcing his image as a credible, top draw Manager with a never say die attitude who has presided over utter, ignominious failure through no fault of his own. If only his charges could have shown the same spirit. His will be defeat with dignity & honour. Long live the king! (As the ground, all £52,000 + go through another rendition of "Alan Pardew, what a wanker, what a wanker"...etc)
  19. The only real save of note that he made was when he pushed an effirt wide when our previous incumbents would have more than likely spilled it to the centre forward for a tap in. This guy rocks
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