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Everything posted by Heake

  1. fuckin hell man, I`m always pissed off when we don't strengthen our squad but when you consider the squad, manager & infrastructure & current points total we currently have, we should be a shoe in for promotion really.
  2. push the boat out & sign that Knockout bloke from Brighton man
  3. .....Unless there be one of those pesky "Release clause" thingys!
  4. I`d have preferred a few more weeks of purgatory mind
  5. Them seats look a bit steep
  6. More fret Alan, more fret!!
  7. From the BBC: "Alan Pardew is a man under pressure. The Crystal Palace boss says: "I'm a realist, I understand the situation. I've got to ensure our next result is a positive one. That's a pressure I put on myself. I am used to this situation, I've been in it before. It's unusual to have this kind of run. I know we have to be strong." ...No Alan, its extremely usual to have this kind of run
  8. My biggest beef with him is that he reminds me of the cock sucking blagger who`s noshed his way into a position of authority without the skillset or temperament to justify it. Whist this, in itself can be quite amusing depending on your perspective, it cause serious damage to those directly affected by his mismanagement. Sadly there are Pardews in every walk of life. The only modicum of respect I have for him is the acknowledgment that he`s maneuvered himself into a no-lose situation, regardless of the collateral damage he causes Palace, through his buddies in the media, he`ll be back on the blag within no time with a massive wedge to boot.
  9. eeh...whatever happened to mutual tolerance of traditional values? In the hands of an imbecile, this social media thing can really be a gun to the head! Always came across as a cock so no surprise there then
  10. I`m sure the point has been made ad nauseam, but within the context of Rafa, it almost seems like a club self harming to have employed the likes of this clown, Souness, McLaren, Kinnear, Carver...etc. For all the false dawns (& there wasn't many), We never really stood a chance of winning anything since SBR. As much as I would dearly love Souness to self combust, This bloke has to be the biggest w@nker of them all
  11. A draw would be entirely consistent with classic "Pardewism" Noun: A series of soul crushing defeats & spineless team performances punctuated by the odd draw /narrow win that provides brief respite & false hope...repeat. Let them suffer
  12. Aye, that's how I took it. Excellent goal celebration really
  13. Tell her to "Shut up & shave"
  14. Heake

    Rolando Aarons

    Potentially an auntie with massive tits
  15. Heake


    Puddin` heed for England!
  16. We`ve the best players, best manager, best facilities & biggest fanbase. Its all to do with bottle. Imo we bottled it Saturday having not put a poor Villa side to the sword. Having said that, I` think we will just improve as the season goes on dishing out a few bummings here & there punctuated by the odd let down. I`m an eight going on nine
  17. It helps greatly that most of my mates are Blue noses so that when I watch the match they`ll be celebrating just as much if we score! It`ll be just like a mackem match - tension wise Please win - handsomely
  18. Thing is, had he had left his wedge in his pocket, they were hardly going to tackle him & search him where they? I think he`s hilarious & now that he seems to be running our club properly for once, I almost feel sorry for him when you see him bungling around like that. Be even better if he pulled out a cock ring or some such
  19. Pearsons teams are usually no pushover & we have a crap record at that stadium. Id take a score draw but will be over the moon with a win
  20. Found it....Net profit of 30m!!!!
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