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Everything posted by Heake

  1. Just received the shirt a day early. I thought they weren't shipping them till tomorrow?
  2. Is thing on sale yet? There`s nowt on the club website & the link posted comes up with the of kit.
  3. On e of the main criticisms of Carr when he was here was that he "missed" often as well as he "hit" in terms of incoming quality. The counter argument being that Ashley /Charnley got cheap & settled for second /third targets rather than those identified by Carr as a priority, so to speak. Assuming the current inertia to be a result of the same mindset, I would imagine the current rumors would almost certainly be on the money. Its almost like f***ing groundhog day with this lot man. If they force Rafa out (& almost certainly Employ another Pardue-esqe patsy) I`m out.
  4. lucky b******. "Last season, the Brazilian centre-back Anderson Conceicao made headlines when he revealed that former Real Mallorca manager Joaquin Caparros used pornography to try and motivate his players before a La Liga game against Athletic Bilbao. “In the team talk ahead of the game Caparros showed us a video with images from a porn film. We were shocked, we didn't understand anything of what we were watching. “He told us: ‘On the pitch, you need to play as hard as this guy’, and he pointed at the screen.”" [emoji23]
  5. Heake


    ....Should he ever sign for us he`d be hamstrung within 3 games of the season
  6. Grealish Next through the door then?
  7. Heake

    On this day...

    It was all awash with scaffold iirc. Heady days indeed
  8. Do you really think so? Unless we get an actual transfer bad I doubt anyone in football will give it a second thought. If you were Ashley, would you gamble on any kind of tangible investment without knowing the likely implications of any impeding litigation? A quick outcome (Probably unlikely given the apparent size of the investigation) would be massively beneficial I`m just hoping I wake up, its Tuesday morning & I decide to take the day off & enjoy last night!
  9. It will be into next year before owt is decided - court, appeals, etc. Only real winners will be the lawyers. Ironic if this is the way Ashley's hand is forced on a massive transfer splurge, the fear of an impending transfer ban (assuming we're promoted and no other sanctions take place) ...Or he decides to stick in fear of a demotion (& being lumbered with a massive wage bill in league 1 etc.)
  10. Regardless of the ultimate outcome, thing will hang over the club like a bad smell & be damaging to all aspects of the club from recruiting playing staff to potential to increase revenue streams. I would imagine the suits at the FA are polishing their hobnails waiting to weigh into us as well. There must be a lot of arse twitching in a lot of clubs this morning.
  11. Charnley arrested!!! Potential points reduction therefore not out the question
  12. Maye not promoted if what I just read on Twatter is right!!!
  13. The best day this year & we haven't even fucking played[emoji51]
  14. Heake

    Ugo Ehiogu - RIP

    With all the cock footballers around these days its seems tragically unfair for one of the nice guys to be taken so young
  15. Heake


    its 100:1 to survive, not go down man
  16. Heake


    Three of which are Chelsea Aresnal & Man U!!!
  17. Heake


    I hope Moyes & his immediate family burn in hell for this. I haven't slept for three days
  18. Harry Maguire sounds like he should have played for Burnleys 1914 FA Cup winning team. Oldest sounding player in the world. Along with Harry Winks who sounds like a WW2 fighter ace One letter away from a serial onanist
  19. Goes to illustrate how unbelievable it was that Partridge was allowed to remain as our manager for as long as he did. ..& the cunt still never got sacked as well!
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