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Everything posted by Heake

  1. It’s cracking that they’re basically down, but there’s some decent people at that club. That said, whoever Decided it was an astute move sacking Pulis and putting the king in the seat needs to fucked in the centre circle at full time on the last game of the season and banished from the game altogether
  2. ...Or crushing 2:1 defeat after going 1:0 up
  3. Heake

    U23s & Academy

    If that was genuinely said & aimed at just Black lads, its at best unbelievably naïve & at worst just plain old school racism. "at worst" Yeah, nowt wrong with a bit old school racism in the workplace. , Nah, that's not what I meant. Was it the "just" part that threw you? Maybe I`ll have to brush up on my grammar, I cant be being outed as the boards latent racist Yep, "just". Would make better sense without it now you've explained. Thanks for that, Ive got loads of black mates and that & I`ve only ever read two chapters of "Mein Kampf" Just black mates? No asians? Not yet, one step at a time
  4. Heake

    U23s & Academy

    If that was genuinely said & aimed at just Black lads, its at best unbelievably naïve & at worst just plain old school racism. "at worst" Yeah, nowt wrong with a bit old school racism in the workplace. , Nah, that's not what I meant. Was it the "just" part that threw you? Maybe I`ll have to brush up on my grammar, I cant be being outed as the boards latent racist Yep, "just". Would make better sense without it now you've explained. Thanks for that, Ive got loads of black mates and that & I`ve only ever read two chapters of "Mein Kampf"
  5. Heake

    U23s & Academy

    If that was genuinely said & aimed at just Black lads, its at best unbelievably naïve & at worst just plain old school racism. "at worst" Yeah, nowt wrong with a bit old school racism in the workplace. , Nah, that's not what I meant. Was it the "just" part that threw you? Maybe I`ll have to brush up on my grammar, I cant be being outed as the boards latent racist
  6. Heake

    U23s & Academy

    If that was genuinely said & aimed at just Black lads, its at best unbelievably naïve & at worst just plain old school racism.
  7. If this cunt somehow keeps them up after this, I’ll wash my hands of football once and for all. Watching him riverdance on the Hawthorns pitch after a final day reprieve would be just too much
  8. One can only imagine he was being interviewed for the barca job
  9. Anyone who hires Pardue needs Fucking, not sacking
  10. That’s fantastic? Vintage Pardue, the shallow, inarticulate knave. I feel a tad sorry for the baggies. I’ve a few mates who are fans and they dont deserve this wanker.
  11. Heake

    Image of the week

    I have no "shopping" skills but if I did, this offers the perfect "Boston Pancake" opportunity
  12. Doesn't look like he's injured, more like his fitness levels aren't up to the required level. Be a cameo appearance (Hopefully not chasing the game like)
  13. Wasn't Slimjims "thigh" injury just a blag? could he even start /be on the bench? I cant remember reading confirmation of the genuine extent of the so called injury
  14. But I thought they don't want to sign Africans anyway. Is Algeria not too African for them? They cam into our cantry, take our fakin jobs...etc. Lovely people
  15. Listened to some of this yesterday actually, Durham prides himself on being a "Wind up merchant", irreverent & not afraid to postulate his alternative, often controversial points of view, he`s the longest serving TS presenter: In truth, he`s no more than a lickspittle playground shit stirrer who, on insulting Jamie Carragher a while back, has spent the rest of the time hanging out his "Gary" to a cringe worthy extent. Well done for telling the ginger arse licker to fuck off.
  16. I have no idea what one of them is
  17. There's probably fuck all wrong with him... Thigh injury=Not playing unless you sell /loan us
  18. Has a thigh strain according to physioroom. No return date set. Could be just sore balls, he`ll be fine for Saturday next
  19. I`m so confident of this happening, I`ll easily believe in some badly photoshoped twitter fake, should one appear -no questions.
  20. Is he at the station yet? Is he at the station yet? Is he at the station yet? Is he at the station yet? Is he at the station yet? Is he at the station yet? Is he at the station yet? Is he at the station yet? Is he at the station yet? Is he at the station yet?
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