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Everything posted by Heake

  1. Heake

    Steve McClaren

    They get £500 a pop for that sky gig including chauffeur from home to studio & back. to think they couldn't get any better than that hopeless twat
  2. They look like they'd struggle against the "Kersal Massive" FFS
  3. Spineless Charlatan. I`d drive him to Washington services & kick him out on the fucking hard shoulder. twat
  4. He`s on the ropes...!!!
  5. To be fair to him, In the face of this patronising onslaught, I`d have probably got micey long before now.
  6. Fucking hell Mike...shut the fuck up man!!
  7. Heake

    Steven Taylor

    Very average defender who came across as thick as mince
  8. Get in the f***ing bin. This gif reminds me of Kasper's animated work. A ridiculous dancing scene with Pardew's face on it, only that...this is real. It actually happened in real life. This. the way he squeezes his fat nappa into his £50 suit actually makes it looks like its (Not very well) shopped.
  9. Probably shagged he`self into a heart attack.
  10. People underestimate the exposure he`ll get next year, if he stays, in the championship. This club is higher profile than most in the Premier league even without playing in it (Mackems, Palace. Watford etc.) He seems to get off on the city & the club as a whole. I think if he`s offered enough control, hell stay.
  11. I wonder if the lads are round Sissoko's gaff having a relegation 'get together' like the Leicester guys did? Would be great to see such camaraderie in the face of such adversity.
  12. Indeed...to quote from the book of Bundy: "don't try to understand women, women understand women & they hate each other"
  13. Just had the heads up that there's a fly-by banner thing happening at 2:55 organised by the BCFC fans. "Welcome to the championship" or some malarkey. Not sure what effect if any it's likely to have mind
  14. From the noises Ashley was making a week or so ago, it looks like we`ll pretty much go through the close season recruiting loan players regardless of which league we`re in...Ok then, the championship. In any other large football club, however, they would be promoting youth, sighing a few "good Pro`s", shipping out the shit & getting one or two loans to fill in. Having watched a fair bit of Championship football over this season its clear this present set of clowns wouldn't live with most of them The close season will hinge on whether we still have the same board after our season finishes / we get relegated.
  15. I wonder if big Al feels (other than sick as a fan) somewhat emancipated given that even Rafa couldn't do anything in a similar situation? I know they haven't, but the board needs to find some dignity & resign immediately after this humping
  16. It's an impossible club to manage...too much pressure from the fans expectations
  17. Heake


    Cheers for the insight Garth. Aye
  18. Heake


    If your one of the worst three teams in the league, more often than not, you go down.
  19. Heake


    forget the mathematics, we have been an atrocious football team all season. Any team serving up the kind of dogsht We have does not deserve to play top level football. Prior to it now becoming pretty obvious that we`re down, you would hear pundits & journo`s trotting out the usual "with players like Wijnaldum, Sissoko, Perez etc. they`ll have the quality to stay up"..etc. which was totally at odds to the paucity of talent we would see on a match day. I cannot remember watching a game this season (Or all last year tbf) when we dominated a game & looked like we were good for the points from the off. in the main, its been watching first half performances (like Saturdays) though the gaps in your hands & wondering how much we will get humped by. The management & top "Pro`s" should be utterly ashamed at themselves for the situation they have contrived to put themselves in. There will be no redemption, at best, we should accept our fate & maybe look to sneak a play-off place next season with whatever remains of the squad we have (You can bet on the handful of parasites who will prefer to sit it out & collect their weekly wedge rather than move on to slightly less money & a chance to rebuild their reputation). Wankers here, wankers there...etc.
  20. I cant help but take my hat off to the "stiff upper lip" optimism shown by some but in all honesty, our survival really does depend on an utter change of both form & attitude by some major players*, a decent slice of luck & hitting on the right tactics against the right teams on at least five of the remaining games. I refuse to raise my hopes...again! *Who have so far been for the most part dogsht all season.
  21. We were second best, at home, to a s**** Mackem side last time we played. We haven't won any of the last five games. Our next game is away to a team fighting to stay in the division. we`re doomed - get over it (Edit: without a Goalie)
  22. Aye, i've seen him put enough shifts in this season only to be utterly frustrated by the wankers who have failed to realise what constitutes effort in our ranks and took the piss I have him as a decent lad who has just had enough of this circus and wants to better himself. Any replacement will be a downgrade.
  23. Footballs loss is the "Gangsta`s" gain
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