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Everything posted by Heake

  1. Heake


    Aye...He hasn't actually made a "defence" yet. The jury must be chomping at the bit.
  2. Heake


    There's bound to be a queue of people it up with to get a slice of his wedge when they see how easy this is. Regardless of the outcome, he's admitted to being a sexual predator with a tendency for young uns. With form.
  3. Heake


    This is the ultimate "tap in" for a prosecution lawyer. She could come on singing vaudeville sobs for a couple of days and he'd still be bang to rights. Can't the judge just chuck a legal "towel in" so to speak?
  4. Heake


    From the transcript, its seems he genuinely thought it was "ok" to snog a 15 year old girl ffs
  5. Heake


    Aye...massive difference between causing a road accident (Albeit a fatal one) & actively pursuing a child with a view to noncing. The point being that this was a premeditated act rather than a moment of stupidity...against a child
  6. Heake


    Regardless of the outcome of the trial, he has admitted to being a nonce. Therefore he has opted to be a social pariah who will carry this stigma with him for the rest of his days the world over. fuck him
  7. Heake


    Aye Jimmy was Ayatollah of nonces. Text book clandestine visits to hospitals & a plentiful collection of powerful people in the right place to keep him knee deep in minors till he bit the dust. effectively dying an innocent man I would argue his only flaw was that his whole get up screamed "Sex case". As someone said at the time, the only surprise with him was that they were mostly female
  8. Heake


    Some of the replies to his tweet are pretty grim. My first thought was poor lass, then you read some of the responses to his tweet and people wonder why rape often goes unreported. s*** like this is just an absolute circus on there. We're not that much better tbf, but on there it's like it's all actually a joke. I admit that this demands a bit of morbid fascination to follow, but it seems to serve as a gateway for mindless fools to spout bile & ill informed opinions on. You wonder what kind of upbringing some people have had when you read what they consider to be "ok" to say.
  9. Heake


    I reckon the absence of his bird this morning is quite significant
  10. Heake


    Reporter for Manchester Guardian
  11. Heake


    Looking forward to the live feed again. Its like listening to commentary on a game you cant lose!
  12. Heake


    Yeah, I very much doubt the CPS would bring charges of this gravity if they didn't have some extremely compelling evidence to present. To quote from the book of Partridge: " With respect, they're hardly going to arrest him if he`s innocent"
  13. Heake


    The club won't have known the evidence. This is the first time that the evidence has come out. I assumed the defence lawyers had access to the prosecution's case (& subsequent evidence)
  14. Heake


    I know its going over old ground, but how the fuck, given the first days evidence, was he "Unsuspended" & allowed to keep playing? This is clearly a tad more than a momentary lapse of morals leading to a misunderstanding of sorts, whilst drunk in a dark club somewhere. I think were all hearing the word.....
  15. Heake


    ...Absolutely...its the pro-active nature of his exchanges that is so damning
  16. Heake


    In the nonce stakes...I reckon, regardless of the outcome, he`s well on the way to overtaking Jimmy & Rolf as it stands alone. Such will be the stigma surely only some Chinese pub team could possible consider taking a punt on him now. (Might be still ok in the lower leagues of parts of Syria mind you)
  17. Heake


    I didn't expect this kind of graphic reporting like. I get the feeling this is going to get darker & darker. His defence is going to be worth waiting for by what weve heard so far
  18. Heake


    "Top & bottom" on a second date sounds like the accusation
  19. Heake


    cracking stuff this
  20. Wisen up man, If Pardew & Bruce couldn't get a tune out of him no one can.
  21. Heake


    I'm assuming this optimism, if thinking we might stay up can be classed as such, can only be based on the assumption that we experience an unprecedented turn in form (We`ve won three games all year). Whilst id love to share the sentiment, I cannot see this group having neither the skills, nor the spirit to mount a run of form to suggest such an upturn. No, were fucked Imo, though I`d echo the sentiments of those who don't fear relegation as some catalyst to a Leeds-esq disaster. You know, I don't go with the thinking that to be a successful club you have to challenge for the top honours year in-year out. No, you have to keep your punters happy, however that manifests itself. I have no interest at all in the Champions league, I harbour no ambitions to win the premier league (A futile aspiration the way things stand), I would, however, like to see the club play good football & win their fare share of games against teams of a similar ilk & mebez a tin pot cup or jaunt around Europe once in a while. This team / set-up is eons away from that. In the meantime, I`ll be happy going into the weekend optimistic of getting a result against lesser (Though at this present time arguably equivalent size) teams in the Championship & tuning in to Tuesday night for a bit of a midweek fix - the only downside being the lack of live telly. & stick your Champions league theme, Alan fucking Parry, Mourinoio`s post match bore-fest & the subsequent felating from the southern hacks, Souness / Redknapp / Collymore & all the other fatuous parasites who populate the Sky / talksport ex-pros club where its dark & brown
  22. Heake


    Stupidity? At what point did the rules change to outlaw shoulder charges/ challenges? Were this to have happened shepherding the ball out would that be penalised? It was a ref bottling it...period
  23. Heake

    Steve McClaren

    To be this bad, regardless of the potential to turn it round, clearly indicates you got it wrong big time in the first instance. That alone should be enough evidence that your not up to the mark. This coaching set up has had over three months remember
  24. Heake

    Steve McClaren

    If his wages are heavy on the 'bonus related' side, he'll be doing eBay for Christmas pressies at this rate. I can't even see a plan 'b' if he gets peddled neither. Unless charnley has some bizarre 'big Sam ' type has been to provide some experience with a 'proven track record of keeping teams up' in the short term up his sleeve. That in itself opens up some truly horrific prospects Charnley and SMC to go before Xmass
  25. Heake

    Players in public

    quote author=Fenham Mag link=topic=38850.msg5650309#msg5650309 date=1439064509] http://i.imgur.com/Z9QFR00.jpg?1 http://www.internationalhero.co.uk/b/billythecat1.jpg
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