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Everything posted by Heake

  1. That was probably the most painfully poor "top level" game of football I have ever had the misfortune to sit through. Sitting through the poor tactics and players playing shit against an opposition even more abject than us & scraping a 1-0 win made me think that it doesn't bode well for next season if Carver gets the gig full time & we apply the usual paucity of investment in the squad this summer. I think I`ll lump as much as I can on ManU Wednesday for what much surely be a guarantee of a bumming.
  2. Its not all doom and gloom then
  3. Assuming we are about to post a profit of at least £40m imminently, that would make the average profit over the past 4 financial periods £20m. Hardly insignificant. He would be "up" something like £30m as well since taking over the club. Are you taking into account the money he pumped in to "keep the club afloat" in the form of a loan (£130m there or thereabouts)?
  4. Draw. With either team equalizing in the last minute or so sackcharver.com
  5. Always easier to look like we spend when you ignore the £70M+ we made over various January windows Yep...You beat me to that one. Its all about context. We`ve continually under invested for years under Ashley now. I would imagine there'll be a few arses in Fenwicks window were he ever to go & provide serious investment in the team / squad before he fucks of into the sunset. We cant compete with the likes of Southampton FFS
  6. I can honestly see us loosing the next three games (especially if it goes tits up this weekend). if that's so, Charver could well be jettisoned before Easter. Then What?
  7. http://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/alan-pardew-aiming-higher-jobs-7687229 That's what you are thinking of I believe.
  8. My monies on them poaching the lad down at Bournemouth. (whos name I cant even be arsed to look up btw)
  9. I started taking an interest in watching Baseball a year or two ago. I decided last year to pick a team & follow / support them in an armchair, from a distance: I picked the NY Mets. http://i.imgur.com/DcpP1zA.gif I realised that after Id jumped man
  10. I started taking an interest in watching Baseball a year or two ago. I decided last year to pick a team & follow / support them in an armchair, from a distance: I picked the NY Mets. I knew little about them other than they appear to be perennial underachievers whose odds of winning a world series were not short, to say the least. I got talking to an American bloke on holiday a few weeks ago & though his knowledge on English game wasn't great, he argued that I`ve probably inadvertently picked the US baseball version of NUFC. I just don't seem to do winning, in a sporting sense
  11. If I`m honest Ian, I`m struggling to muster up any enthusiasm on matchdays nowadays. It`s not the thinking that we cant win, its more the "if they don't give a fuck, why should I?"
  12. I believe that Ashley is more than aware that, after relentlessly devouring the ambition of a region over a prolonged period, there`ll come a tipping point at which the "product" will cease to be an attractive "brand" with which the majority of punters (& their siblings)would wish to align to. Yes we`ll all remain "supporters" by & large but in a more latent early 1980s sense. As gates receipts & merchandising revenues decrease & the stadium atmosphere consistently morgue-like, the "product" & its earning potential would decrease accordingly. People would simply decide that if he`s so insistent that things are done his way, by his rules, cos its his club, Then fuck him, he can keep his fucking club. I reckon he`ll merely bank on throwing in a "wow" signing or two will be all that's required to reel back in this fickle lot & he`ll be sound (assuming he gives enough of a fuck to even care). The problem will always be: That folk are more inclined to chuck it in than stand shoulder to shoulder & demand change. ...& In the end you get the club you deserve.
  13. You would think the clue is in the title "manage ®" thank fuck hes gone. He`ll be a parcel wherever he goes as he always was. Fuck him
  14. Oh dear[emoji1] What? It happens all the time man. Someone slips up and says a daft remark and they're out, it's mental. The 'cock up' line man[emoji6]
  15. Clearly not, but if you're young bloke, tanked up & there's a bird in your room who looks like shes "up for it" & you fancy your chances, then it can easily be a case of... That's not to say if she`s of her face or rejecting your advances its still ok, though from what I`ve read, it appears she may not have been (putting it tactfully). far too many people "casting the first stone" in this case for my liking
  16. They must be like rocking horse shite in Pardewland
  17. When was the last time he won a game by 4 goals in a competitive match?
  18. Interesting that they felt the need to allude to the 'gambling debt' rumour 4 years after he was installed? Unless I've missed some recent developments on this.
  19. I've always put s**** press opinions (on our support) down to lazy journalists happy to buy into & perpetually peddle this 'daft northerners' & they're 'skewed view' on football. But I am actually now coming to the conclusion that most really aren't that bright & rather than just lazy, they're operating at the optimum level they're brains will allow. I was unfortunate enough to listen to John Cross from the mirror the other day on talkshite & he comes across as thick as f***ing mince. The level of (sports) journalism In this country is genuinely shocking.
  20. Carver hasn't got the temperament. Can see him exploding on the touchline if he's under pressure & on the wrong end of some dodgy decisions / goings on.
  21. Heake

    John Carver

    Www.Sackcarver.com gone yet?
  22. He doesn't even exist as a pundit in my world, Noshing some old trucker In Cannock chase is all he's an authority on. A bag of fucking wind, no mor
  23. Heake


    Yes a million times over We owe these masked men a huge debt of gratitude I love you in a man-type way
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