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Everything posted by Heake

  1. Heake


    I Do. The post was in the context of protests on Sunday & the like. I`ve watched Blyth more this season than I`ve watched Newcastle
  2. Heake


    I`m sure this must have been mentioned before, but if a world cup style "big screen" event was organised outside / at a local venue near the ground that would surely have a bigger effect on attendance Would take some organising mind but it would tick all the boxes imo: Massive press coverage, still get to see the match (If thats a plus), excellent festival atmosphere etc.
  3. Heake


    I haven't truly enjoyed a matchday for many seasons now, certainly not the football on show (& least of all the atmosphere), but I can understand why other people may feel compelled to. Unfortunately / fortunately, its still a cracking day out on the piss with your mates, something which Ashley even cant spoil.
  4. Heake


    Being perennially shit & hopeless, whilst being a perfectly good reason to protest, can be part & parcel for supporting a football club. I agree with the boycott wholeheartedly & have donated to Ashleyout.com as many on here have. I just get a bit wary of folk getting all judgmental because they don't agree about where the line in the sand should be.
  5. Heake


    Whilst I sympathise with the tone of your post I don't agree with that sentiment at all. You cant be slagging fellow supporters because their feelings of loyalty differ to yours man. Some people (Thousands) would feel compelled to attend regardless of What Ashley & co. get up to. I still think we`ve got some way to fall yet before the vast majority feel militant enough to stay at home.
  6. Heake


    I trust you don't mean this "cycle"?
  7. Heake


    As ive stated previously, I have serious doubts that this campaign would have any tangible effect on Ashley, either to prompt him to sell up, or to preside over a dramatic change in strategy. That said, its all on the table & illustrates someone(s) got off their arse & had a go. For this I will be making a donation to the cause. *Done
  8. Heake


    Shearer, Barry Moat, Sting and Mark Knopfler tag team. What about Ant and Dec? ...Mike Neville?
  9. Heake


    Sadly, I cant see that much has changed other than we are in that part of the yearly cycle where optimism is at a low ebb & most cant wait for the season to end. My view is that, by its own nature, forums & social media in general tend to polarise opinions & as such, can provide to be an inaccurate reflection of the support it is there to represent. In reality, I don't believe the will exists (Amongst the majority of "match day support") to effect any tangible change. Just as we had no say in the running of the club with the previous odious incumbents, so we don't with Ashley. Similarly, I believe change will arise in the same manner: We`ll wake up one day to a story that gathers pace as the day unfolds and then low & behold, we will be at the behest of another plutocratic (Of which we will have no influence over) monster. Regardless, I wish you all the best if luck
  10. Heake

    NUFC finances

    That new telly must be worth at least £25m
  11. Heake


    I cant tell the difference
  12. ...Arise Lord Carver, he, through great fortitude & valour, hath emancipate Geordie hearts....etc. I can see it now....& its not good
  13. Llambias has been attacked twice in Glasgow.
  14. Unless there's been some illegal backhanded goings on (& I`m not implying there has ) I fully expect big Mike to be nuts deep in the club to the point where someone would have to find crazy money for them to break free from all the SD tie-ins. He wont go cheap What with all the "goings on" regarding the original hotel venues for the recent EGM recently, I still cant believe a radge or two hasn't tried to get at the big fella yet & give him a twatting (If they haven't already). Theres some micey fuckas up there
  15. I could do with appealing for an extension
  16. Had all the hallmarks of someone who was up for a bit of a break
  17. If the FA can increase the ban on the grounds of a frivolous appeal, then they surely have to. Offences like this are subjective & it is the referees call to determine if he deems it red or not. If this is Charvers decision then the he has proven, should proof be needed, that is unable to make good calls at this level. My fucking house is on Arsenal this weekend
  18. Heake


    Depends on the nosh
  19. Heake


    What about that boiler that noshed Hugh Grant?
  20. Absolutely this. Ryders banter, though clearly aimed at the intellectually challenged whilst struggling to attain even prep-school standard, Still enjoys large coverage over the North East. Even so, you would hope that even the most hardened Charver would have seen through him by now mind.
  21. I've got an accumulator rolling on to 6 games today so I`ve covered it with this game. This is a hairy arse Fenwicks window game IMO. Evens on a MU win FFS!!!! do these people ever watch our games?
  22. Heake


    The thread that keeps on giving....I'm in tears here man
  23. Both sides played the kind of football that doesn't deserve to be in the top money league in the world. The Smogies would smash us the way they play at the moment & lets face it, the standard of football in this league this season has been shocking. As far as pre-Premier league shite is concerned, yes theirs been worse but I've managed to blank this out of my memory as it was tantamount to emotional abuse at the time.
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