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Everything posted by Heake

  1. Heake

    Steve McClaren

    I've listened to carver and as much as it's obvious he's out of his depth, fair play to him for what he had to say. As much as you can slate him (& I certainly have) he's gone up in my estimation after that. It's become obvious after the last few games that the problems lie deep, deeper than carver can mine. I'll direct my anger above his head to that fat cunt charnley who should have demanded a proper head when Pardue went. Whatever he is (& clearly isn't) he doesn't deserve the spineless cowards he's been asked to get a tune out of.
  2. Heake

    John Carver

    I'd take Dave Bassett at this point - and I think he might be dead.
  3. Heake

    Lee Charnley

    I hold him more to blame than Licks tbh. Clearly not up to it
  4. The only plus he has a manager is that he`s pone to bouts of unbelievable luck. If it weren't for Ashley he`d probably still be slouched over a table at 3am just about to lump it all on red. I`ll never forgive him for last years SJP Mackem tactics / capitulation.
  5. How doesn't he spend most his time on a minibus?
  6. We`ll hire no-one who is worthy of managing a club of our size / stature* as this club has proven not to headhunt quality people with proven track records, so why now? McLaren will come, only if he`s desperate enough, as will whoever finally rocks up Barack road (Assuming the tongue gets the elbow). *pre Ashley
  7. Heake


    The only reasoning I can find to justify predicting a possible win / draw is the fact that an 11 game losing streak would have offered fantastic odds back in February (Or whenever the fuck it was). Its true, the upcoming fixtures are probably our easiest of the season on paper but we`re so shit I can see us rolling over for each & every one. The only meaningful variable I could factor in to offer encouragement would be the impending return of
  8. Heake

    John Carver

    Probably already been mentioned, but if the club were serious about throwing money around this summer then they should be already lining up / lined up heads ready to go. assuming that's the case, then they are recruiting without a manager in place (Assuming they really aren't that thick to keep charver on) & seem prepared to carry on with the - already proven to fail - method currently being employed. We really do seem destined for abject failure for the foreseeable future. On this evidence, I would imagine Charnley would struggle to spell his fucking name lately.
  9. This Loyalty can manifest itself in more ways than just turning up to a game - because you can. Besides, since when was loyalty a prerequisite for supporting a football club? I support Newcastle because its always been my team, I was raised there & it feels part of me. I therefore reserve the right to fall out with it, love it, hate it & turn up to or boycott as many games as I see fit because, like a religion, there are times when your faith is severely tested & times when it can be uplifting. A more fitting analogy would be that, having married a stunner in your early years, she turns out to be a fat useless boiler that your stuck with for life.
  10. Heake


    I was thinking more...
  11. Heake


    Cleary as thick as mince man If its proven, he deserves to loose everything (Which he probably will if he does) & be on the "receiving end" of the usual prison nonce treatment
  12. Heake


    Well he has a trial yet, like Well I know that, ha! Don't think I asked in enough detail. As in if you are found guilty in court, does this case mean prison no matter what? I don't think it would go to trial unless they had damning evidence in a case like this. If found guilty, it's almost certain to be a custodial sentence in my opinion. In the interests of balance Ched Evans case was hardly bang to rights (Mind you...He was bumming for England after it)
  13. Heake

    John Carver

    Paraphrasing, trying to fid the quote.
  14. Heake

    John Carver

    Carver has at least gone as far as to virtually guarantee a replacement come the summer. In his own admittance, he`s "lost the dressing room"
  15. Heake

    NUFC finances

    The accounts thread?
  16. Heake

    NUFC finances

    This thread has (if it wasn't anyway) become an accountants wankfest.
  17. Heake


    You're assuming that he hates you as much as you hate him. A fair assumption I would say. An ego-centric assumption, I'd say. Oh well, here goes. To be honest, the boycott all feels a bit naive. Similar to the Sack Pardew campaign - a howl of anger rather than anything constructive. We'll soon be appointing a permanent manager, and I'm wondering what any half-decent candidate is going to make of the club. Despite the campaigners' opinion of his ability, Pardew's standing in the game was reasonably good and will only have been enhanced by events at Palace. Candidates will have seen the guy driven out by supporters and may well think twice about putting themselves in the same position. Similarly any waverers are going to be concerned about harnessing themselves to an owner who is subject to a similar campaign. So altogether, I expect that - as with the results of the Pardew campaign - we'll end up in a worse position. Ashley had always had a piggybank attitude to spending money, and he's now got the club in a position where there's some surplus cash to spend. Personally, I'd like to see what he's prepared to do this summer. People will say that we're reached the same position before, but the situation now is a bit different, and will be an acid test of whether he's prepared to spend on the team or try to recoup his previous investment. If you're expecting a half decent candidate to come forward and want to take over as the next manager, working under Ashley and all the constraints that goes with it such as someone who knows nothing about football in Lee Charnley having a bigger say in who the club signs then they do and constantly having his best players sold without even having a say in the matter I'd suggest it's yourself who's the naive one.
  18. I remember when the Chronicle used to be a decent read that people looked to for club news etc. (The Pink is sadly missed). Nowadays the staccato remedial ramblings of Ryder are neither informative nor incisive. No place for cack like this in todays world IMO
  19. Heake

    NUFC finances

    17th would do nicely
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