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Everything posted by Heake

  1. At last we can all look forward to a new & unequivocal level of failure. Its going to be a real pleasure getting bummed week in / week out with a quality manager at the helm for once! Happy day are here again...da da da...
  2. Knowing our luck...we`ll be dogshit again by Easter
  3. Surely the only sticking point could be the amount of credit available on the mini bar in the Rex? As a club, can only enhance the career of any manager.
  4. I`d go Rafa but reckon itll be Rogers
  5. Heake

    Steve McClaren

    For the love of God woman....just SACK HIM man!!!
  6. Heake

    Steve McClaren

    If there's ever been a reason to just walk away from this club, then this has to be it.
  7. Heake

    Steve McClaren

    What's changed since we realised that only the desperate & the failed are in with a shout here?
  8. Heake

    Steve McClaren

    As if Charnley gets to call the shots man
  9. Heake

    Steve McClaren

    "Duane Roystone" FFS!!! Cant imagine he had much dinner money left by 9:15 every morning
  10. Heake

    Steve McClaren

    NoNoNO...I`d rather have a Pardue / Kinnear / Carver love child hybrid than that cunt
  11. Heake


    I cant quite believe that, as shit as we are, a few wins means we`re still in with a realistic chance of survival. The dejavu of being relegated at Villa park again will be too much to bear this time though & it just seems to me that that fixture comes at exactly the right time for the ultimate humiliation regardless of the schadenfreude it offers.
  12. Brendan rogers will be in charge on or before Wednesday
  13. Heake

    Steve McClaren

    Itll get micey after the annual Mackems bumming IMO
  14. Heake

    Steve McClaren

    We`re second bottom of the league man, second only to one of the worst sides in premier league history. this "play for a draw & try & snatch a winner" tactics clearly isn't working FFS
  15. Heake

    Steve McClaren

    I See your point but Stoke were shocking as well, there for the taking. You wont get out of this mess by trying to Pardew games & play for draws In the hope that one flash of brilliance coupled with fortuitous defending hands us a series of narrow wins. In case anyone has forgot, this game is all about scoring goals, gaining points & winning trophies.
  16. Heake


    Its a long time....min 5!!!
  17. Heake


    Wonder what "Further info" the judge requires?
  18. Heake


    Aye I used to do a decent Jimmy Saville impression before he was disgraced (voice impression btw, Im not a retired serial rapist).
  19. Heake


    He`s summing up the prosecution I believe
  20. Heake


    The theme tune to Porridge
  21. Heake


    Is that not the drummer out the Jam?
  22. Heake


    I know it's "banter" to call him a paedo and that but he isnt really. I'm not sure we'll ever see this girl, but while he did know she was 15, I bet she looks about 25. Wasnt because she was 15 that he went after her But your rational, if it gives you wood, it's fair game, regardless of how old they are.
  23. Heake


    I think the salient point is that, regardless of what nonson did or did not divulge to Safc at the time, they would have been under no legal requirement to prevent him from playing football (Ignoring ethics & morals for the time being). The FA do not provide restrictions (or even guidelines, to my knowledge) on who should be banned from playing for offences unrelated to football. In theory, you could field a Nonce eleven vs serial killer eleven & would still be sanctioned by the fa. I have personally played against prison teams which contained, amongst others murderers.
  24. Heake


    Safc have a duty of care towards, amongst others, the minors within their support and as such, knowingly allowing an employee who has admitted child sex offences (regardless if it is unproven in court)against a supporter to continue in their position (which would include further contact with vulnerable minors) without restrictions, could conceivably constitute negligence on their behalf by potentially putting further people at risk.
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