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Everything posted by Heake

  1. As I'm back home for the weekend, would it be at all possible for one of you chaps to disclose the identity of any hostelries in the vicinity that will be streaming the match today?
  2. He looks like Bruce Forsyth`s love child
  3. If it wasn't so unlike us to replace a player before selling, I'd be 100% convinced that this means Sissoko is off. As it is, I'm only about 95% certain of it. CM/AM really isn't where we should be looking at players tbh, we've already got De Jong, Marveaux and Cabella fighting for a spot there (Cabella only if we sign some wingers). We need CBs, wingers and strikers before we even start looking at CM/AM. Aye, Sissoko leaving is the only logical explanation, but I can't see us get much more for Sissoko than what Wijnaldum would cost us, so that would make it a sideways move in every way imaginable. But a potentially huge step up in the "heart" dept.
  4. Be thank full Stefan Kuntz has retired and has no chance of being on the end of a sliding tackle from that lad cock
  5. ....or even "NUFC arranging to have a meeting to think about monitoring rumours in the press"
  6. Lets not forget the first seven games. If, & its a big if just now, we don't invest & improve the squad (ie purples) enough to provide a marked improvement on the quality of football / results we`ll be bottom by mid September. McLaren will be under massive pressure, the support will be kicking off like fuck & the press will be salivating. At least it'll be interesting
  7. Heake

    TV Fixtures

    On a similar theme...the aggressive "woooooah" Collymore goal sound bites on Talkshite always conjures up images of him slapping some poor bint that didn't quit get his rib-eye rare enough before serving.
  8. Heake

    TV Fixtures

    The commentary on the Aguero goal man ....you can just imagine the money shot then looking down on his mrs whilst uttering "I swear you`ll never see anything like this again"
  9. Heake

    TV Fixtures

    I cant say I`m looking forward to the ritual live TV humping's we`re due to get in the (at least) first 7 games anyway.
  10. Heake


    it could also be alleged nonceist
  11. Heake


    If that's how its works then... http://s2.stabroeknews.com/images/2014/08/cliff.jpg May as well be... http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/sooty/images/4/4d/FrankBruno.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20110803214550
  12. I still cant believe we haven't officially got our backroom staff "over the line" Is the club on an annual shutdown or something?
  13. I`d walk in nude & just stare at Charnley whilst he looked away awkwardly
  14. Re-signing Cabaye? We're in the land of spotty buttocks / Fenwick's window again
  15. Heake


    http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-kppLFTxxKVw/VXlLaGlryvI/AAAAAAAAjyc/Rpi6B33pk94/s738/Sunderland-15-16-Home-Kit%2B%25280%2529.jpg Shave O`shea`s heed & theres definitely a bit of In there
  16. Heake

    Charlie Austin

    If he wants to come & we are there or there abouts with the fee he will come. I`ve heard nothing on him expressing an interest to come tbf so he may well have tackled his agent on getting a move to club that just happens to NOT be us. I don't rate him as any more than a decent pro who`s had an above par return in one season. Fackim
  17. Heake

    Charlie Austin

    Thankfully he`s on "England duty" or we`d have to endure endless crap photoshops of him coming out of a Newcastle branch of Nandos / Greggs. Thankful for small mercies!
  18. & just where would you think Newcastle might be without him then Steve? I didn't have him down for being that ignorant to be honest.
  19. Fuck standing man, Id lie down if I could
  20. Heake

    Steve McClaren

    Personally, I`m not happy with this, but I`m prepared to accentuate the pluses to at least give me a fighting chance of being optimistic for next season. I think the main plus is his relationship with Carr, which should, assuming there really IS money to spend & we don't get cheap & lose scouted players for the sake of nominal amounts, allow us the opportunity of preparing a decent squad. The litmus test will be on 1st September when the window is shut & we are 3-4 games into the season. However, I have grave reservations about Charnleys ability to get bodies "over the line" & it remains to be seen whether Mikes speech about letting the purse strings loosen was one of substance or just the usual Cack. I think the bottom line is that, assuming the brief for a new manager was to have to work within the current buying / selling structure, then McLaren was probably the most suitable candidate. As much as Viera would have been an exciting prospect, he would have been subject to the same frustrations Keegan encountered & would have probably walked by Xmass.
  21. Heake

    Steve McClaren

    If Charver really does keep his post as a coach, then this really isn't the seismic shift we thought it might have been in club policy. A hand full of cheap buys in the summer & its same old same old. it seems we have an inexperienced, unqualified yes man making the calls these days, so what more can you really expect? Charnley / Carver / Carr & now McLaren. & Ashley reckons we`ll win something with this lot FFS!!!
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