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Everything posted by Heake

  1. Top banana Dave! Many thanks
  2. Cheers but anyone got an image I can copy?
  3. Off on a tangent like but, can anyone post an image (sick of trawling fruitlessly through the the net) of the cartoon magpie with the cigar that's leaning on a stick which was used on vintage programs etc? (It's a tattoo thing)?
  4. Heake

    Lee Charnley

    As I see it, Ashley has a credibility problem (hence his sky interview Sunday). If he's prepared to shelve his tacit stance after 8 odd years, then he clearly knows there's a storm on the way that he needs to head off. Regardless of the 'I don't pick the manager' routine, he will be acutely aware that the world and its mother know that Carver is a busted flush. He must also accept that he (and the other back room staff on long contracts) may cost him more to be retained as employees should he have a repeat of last season. Furthermore, I reckon that distancing himself from making key 'footballing' decisions allows him room for manoeuvre should Charnley make another pigs ear of things though I doubt he would jettison him without good reason as he presumably sees him as his eyes & ears link to the locals. Can anyone give any other credible reasoning behind promoting someone so ill equipped to run a premier league club (other than the obvious-he's cheap). For these reasons I'm cautiously optimistic about the summer without really buying into his three minute manifesto. My monies on One or two 'statement' signings, McLaren as manager & another slightly less shite season to come.
  5. Yup he nailed it. He was as good as souness was bad. He clearly 'gets it'
  6. Heake

    Epic NUFC photos

    Apparently it was supposed to be a portrait of Che Guevara but the pain was too much.
  7. Somebody take sounds out NOW!
  8. Heake


    Lets be honest man...he clearly doesnt give a flying fck. Hes done his job man, he'll be probably be getting noshed of some boiler on the back of a bank balance you can only dream of by the end of the bank holiday with his bags packed ready to rock onto some desert island for the next three weeks.
  9. Sissoko has the heart of a pea
  10. What's the badge like? Sewn on? or cheap iron jobby? Cant remember but the plastic wonga just ruins it Id definitely buy a snide if it had no wonga on it Shit times these man
  11. Just thought id break ranks to say that, contrary to the pictures in promo it looks quite decent in the flesh imo (Obviuosley not the wonga/price/ ashley profits etc) I tried one on & it felt like dirty porn
  12. Heake

    Papiss Cissé

    "Meanwhile, club sources have denied claims on social media that an argument between Papiss Cisse and Daryl Janmaat during training saw punches exchanged." (.com) Anybody any crack on this or have I missed it in another thread? Doesn't bode good for the weekend
  13. Heake


    Au contraire Mr Brum. This is the most exciting day we could have ever imagined within the context of Ashleys stewardship. You can stick your cup final up your arse Last day salvation is where its at loser!
  14. I`d buy it if it were half the price & didn't have W*nga on it
  15. £52 fucking sheets!!!!!! ;D ;D
  16. Ran off bubling at the end the soft shite
  17. Are you still banging this drum? f***ing hell man You think the £23m figure is accurate? F***ing hell man Wasnt talking about that part, clearly the ludicrous bullshit you spouted after Fantastic construction of an argument. Really forensic; very impressive. If you really are stupid enough to think Ashley has taken £150m of TV money out then good luck to you. Given that you are that stupid its not really surprising you didnt understand my point. Another well-constructed and well-argued response. A strawman argument, and some ignorant and personal abuse thrown in for good measure. If anything, you're endorsing my position with your vacuous retorts. Ad hominem attacks are usually a good sign that there's no real argument on offer. Ye callin him a puff like?
  18. Well, he can let sweet baby Jesus take his penalties for all I care. I have him down as a weapon
  19. Yes, if you want guaranteed ambition next season
  20. The place is like a fucking mortuary every home game due to the shit being served up on the pitch. This is tantamount to bribery: if you don't turn up & the team get beat it will be YOUR fault. Well fuck you, I want to hear Ashley apologise & commit to selling the club. I might consider it then. The bottom line is I would prefer to watch a well managed team of committed pro's two leagues down with owners who 'get it' rather than wonga it next season getting humped for England whilst scraping the odd long ball one goal fluke of a result. Sorry Mike, I'm 'out' for the season thanks.
  21. Collymore talks loudly & says very little. He should stick to talking about things he`s an authority on: like chinning small women & knocking one off over the bonnet of a ford focus whilst some gimp smashes his mrs. probably the worst "pundit" on the airwaves ever.
  22. De Jong looked woefully un-match fit (is that a word?) on Saturday. Cissy may well save our butts.
  23. Heake

    John Carver

    '& you can bring your dinna" Is that him?
  24. His first yellow yesterday was purely down to rank, Sunday league defending. The Red should mean he never puts our shirt on again.
  25. Heake

    John Carver

    Nor was there when we left a depleted, mangerless squad in January
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