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Christmas Tree

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Everything posted by Christmas Tree

  1. Christmas Tree


    McNally possibly hinting at a cover up in the North East press, hence the delay in the story coming out and the Mirror being the chosen source......Allegedly
  2. Christmas Tree


    Wonder if the local boys (Journal / Chronicle) will cover this.
  3. Christmas Tree


    Think due to the relative sucess on the pitch people forgot there was a battle of wills still going on. You know the dismantling of the myths KK and Shearer..The tacky logos...The endless stream of horshit and lies...That silly grin.... It's funny how it all seemed to die down though. The good results created a feelgood factor around the ground, the season ticket deal was popular, the ground filled up, the good results continued, the training day was popular.......... then BAM - we're changing the name of the ground - fuck you all. BAM - we think Shearer, Keegan and Hughton are all cunts and Carroll's dogshit. Fuck you all. And we've got City away next weekend. You couldn't make it up man. Then Bam, Bam, Bam..... reality hits you hard bro!
  4. Would love to hear that sung.
  5. Christmas Tree


    Why not? Plenty of reasons to want to throw mud. I think they would be on it shit hot? / pretty sensitive to adverse publicity. Didn't they say something about not responding to rumours and accusations in the press as they didn't want to give weight to the stories? Not advocating it as the best tactic - given the already low opinion of them by the vast majority of supporters - but it's their choice. so people can make owt up about them and get away with it- canny. Aye, there was a poster in this thread who accused me of defending what Llambias has allegedly said, when I asked him to back it up with a link or quote to substantiate his claim, he quoted a post of mine questioning why this story hadn't come to light in the weeks since it apparently took place. When I queried that with him, he simply ignored it an moved the conversation on. Can't think how journalists could do a similar thing. when you were questioning why the story hadnt come to light, were you suggesting it was not true? are you not generally on the defensive side of the club leadership.?I think is what the poster in question was getting at. Also- it wasnt hostile, more intended as banter- but take it seriously if you prefer. Not really, I'm just not as militant as the majority appear to be, I think they've done good and bad things - but the majority of the bad things have been superficial yet emotive, while a lot of their positive decisions have been fundamental or structural which get glossed over, ignored or justified with the "only done it to sell the club/cut costs" tag. Spot on. About sums up my position.
  6. Christmas Tree


    Not a chance in hell that a Newcastle fan has sat on these for a month.
  7. Christmas Tree


    Roll on some football!
  8. They'll be within their rights to ban anyone who doesn't refer to the CuntsDirect Arena from said place and given their pettiness they probably will. If this is true (and you may be right), why hasnt any of the media being referring to it as "sports direct @ St James Park" for the last two years. Surely if the likes of the media could ignore it then, they can do it now?
  9. Should really be in the Pet Hates thread but soopafans like you....dear me! I started following Newcastle around age 7 or 8. If that's late in life, guilty as charged.
  10. Not upton park? Didn't know that either.
  11. All these fans anger / bad branding stories are rubbish IMO. Fans anger: the consensus seems to be that this anger will erupt into positive singing at SJP! Also someone like O2 would weigh up the millions around the world seeing their name as opposed to a few upset locals. I would almost guarantee that even if O2 took it, the majority of angered fans would not rush out and change their contract. The reality is this will all have blow over by Christmas. Sad but true.
  12. Newcastle United owner Mike Ashley is setting fire to a famous history, writes Henry Winter
  13. Title change needed to rid him of his advertising here. Maybe St James Park under attack or something ?
  14. Problem with this sort of thing is that even if 15,000 signed it, you leave the door open for the club to say 35,000 are not against it. Pro st James in the ground and through media is the way (not that it will change anything).
  15. You post from the bath? Yup, laptop with the radio on, bottle of Grolsh and IPhone for forum reading. My little sanctuary after a day changing nappies. It also gets me out of the way while wife and 3 daughters watch soaps. Heaven tbf
  16. Good luck sammy, hope you get on and get a goal.
  17. Having said that Total Sport has now stopped discussing us so as I'm lounging in the bath I'm going to switch over. I know I shouldn't
  18. If you are talking total sport and the one who told the local media to grow a pair...... Well said. Malcolm McDonald is a proper c*** on the legends like. I try to avoid the legends. Drives me mad how clueless they usually are about current events at the club. I always think Lazy bastards are getting paid thousands to craic on and can't be stars to do even ten minutes research before the show starts.
  19. Christmas Tree

    Alan Pardew

    Aye, let's not drag Pardew into this. His remit is to motivate the team and win games and he's doing magnificently.
  20. If you are talking total sport and the one who told the local media to grow a pair...... Well said.
  21. 'Stand up for St.James' Park'? That was sung last time around. would love it if we could do it the entire match. obviously itl just happen a couple times for a couple minutes and that'l be that Thing is to have a few to interchange. The one above imo is the best for uniting 50,000 vocally and visually. We could also have...... Sports direct, your having a laugh Sports direct, your having a laugh and If I had the wings of a sparrow the dirty great arse of a crow I'd fly over Sports Direct And shit on Mike Ashley below (Oldskool)
  22. 8 Pages in the Chronicle i just bought. I only bought it cos it's thursday ie Jobs day and there's only 2 pages of very little of them! Let us know if there's any strong criticism in there. I mainly read Lee Ryder and Gibbo's comments sections which I thought didnt quite match the public mood. Good luck with the job hunt.
  23. Not sure if its just me, but having read a few of the stories about this in the Chronicle they all seem very toothless to me. When I saw that picture of the front page I was expecting some outcry and campaign???
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