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Everything posted by GeordieT

  1. Curious about this too, but suspect we are in uncharted territory - IF - what is being reported is true. Chelsea taking legal action against Adrian Mutu for the unamortised portion of his transfer fee is the only precedent I can think of.
  2. Reported in the Italian press that as many as fifty players and officials are implicated. So this would appear to be the tip of the iceberg. Zalewski latest to be named.
  3. Take this with a pinch of salt, friend - who is not a Newcastle supporter (although equally wouldn’t know there was any injury doubt etc so in it’s own way adds credence) - reckons he just saw him at the Nuffield in Jesmond.
  4. https://x.com/petegravestv/status/1708836232736682120?s=46&t=x_gwvtxKMs0B7zGA7uNbvA
  5. East Stand again, second game in a row - they just started waving people through without scanning the ticket. I don’t know what it’s like elsewhere, but on that side of the ground evident the infrastructure in terms of the number of turnstiles cannot support it.
  6. Literally turned off a couple of turnstiles in the East Stand at c. 7.45. Queues were simply not clearing. Just waved people in.
  7. There for “an initial lifespan of three years as the club explores potential uses for the site”. So would appear any expansion would be a minimum of c. four years away?
  8. Didn’t see any trouble last night, but the aftermath of this stabbing is doing rounds on WhatsApp. Not pretty.
  9. What was the smoke / chemical like fumes in the second half about? Half expected to see a major incident outside SJP.
  10. Chelsea in talks with Riyadh Air, 100% owned by PIF, regarding a £60m front of shirt sponsorship. https://theathletic.com/4833777/2023/09/06/chelsea-riyadh-air-sponsorship-shirt/
  11. https://x.com/lukeedwardstele/status/1697699495591494142?s=46&t=x_gwvtxKMs0B7zGA7uNbvA
  12. I genuinely thought we had retired him.
  13. https://x.com/adamp1242/status/1695521755081629900?s=46&t=x_gwvtxKMs0B7zGA7uNbvA His LinkedIn profile
  14. GeordieT

    Players in public

    Hope not. He’s still serving a 12 month driving ban!
  15. Equally is more than a couple of potential games where direct travel is going to be difficult and therefore expensive. More broadly will be interesting to see whether the likely cost of a couple of European away trips lowers demand for Premier League games between now and Christmas. Not a cheap endeavour.
  16. For want of a better thread to ask this question. Champions League away games, what do we expect the demand to be? Goes without saying they’ll sell out, but at what loyalty threshold?
  17. One suspects we are only a couple of years at most from digital tickets at all Premier League grounds - which will only serve to exacerbate many of the issues being described. The system and checks that have been implemented I think are fair, but could perhaps be amended to include the ability to [for one or two games a year maximum] forward a ticket, as with season tickets. But capped at that level to prevent abuse.
  18. No idea. But it would be disappointing if he didn’t go half and half. Having quite the culinary tour.
  19. Saw Howe and Tonali + girlfriend in Francesca’s last week. Couple of others in the encourage I didn’t recognise. Surprised I’ve not seen any photos on social media. Not where I’d take him but really speaks to the culture of the club and the desire to ensure he settles.
  20. Was the addition of the fire - perilously close to the surfers an attempt to burn down the East Stand and force the hand of the planning department?
  21. Seen a couple of comments on Twitter from Arsenal fans noting that it effectively replicates their system. Assuming Peter Silverstones influence.
  22. Loved this. Playing on ten Haags incessant moaning.
  23. For someone completely out of the loop, what’s the context here?
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