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Everything posted by FloydianMag

  1. The emoji’s? If so it’s a hand holding a pen.
  2. Local ITV news has described us as the richest club in the world. That’ll really tip them over the edge.
  3. Its been like this since 7th October, it’s completely destroyed them and it’s wonderful to watch.
  4. Probably because he wasn’t going to be drawn out on human rights issues in Saudi, that’s all most of the cunts are interested in.
  5. Exactly, they haven’t hung around for 18 month to just move on quickly after acquiring the club a month a go.
  6. It would be great if at the presser this afternoon when they introduce EH they also introduced Michael Emenalo as DoF too.
  7. Existing sponsorship is ok, just new.
  8. Clubs are desperate to prevent NUFC from maximising sponsorship. I suspect if legally challenged it wouldn’t be allowed. https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/e1570a18-4175-11ec-96bf-de0821791f3f?shareToken=c7fa3aaae28b2ff73b3a474f740b2fca
  9. He was being sarcastic/ironic, however to put that tweet out there was fucking stupid.
  10. What an utter cunt Ollie Holt is.
  11. Some of the comments from Chelsea fans in the Telegraph tweet are glowing about this guy.
  12. Anyone on plane watch for Howes arrival or not?
  13. The daft old bitter cunt.
  14. He needs to stop watching Sunderland, it’ll turn him into a grumpy fucker.
  15. Hello, it's a pity that Favre is no longer an issue for you. Even if he has no experience in the Premier League, he is tactically one of the best. The soccer he lets play is a strong Defence with fast game forward. In Dortmund, the Defence had problems, there were many individual mistakes of players during the game. The game forward was very good with many goals. To get to the point, favre needs the right players for his game system and he did not have them on the defensive in Dortmund. I think he can
  16. If he does I bet he lives in Newcastle, it would really piss them off.
  17. Could be 5 in a row, would be superb.
  18. Have you ever seen a mackem in Milan
  19. I wonder if these twats got a response to the emails they sent to Companies House re our takeover?
  20. First the takeover now this, it’s destroying them.
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