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Everything posted by FloydianMag

  1. The point is you’re talking shite, I’m sure that was yesterday, unless you could post a source?
  2. According to Ben the consortium want to make the announcement during the international break, hopefully that rules Martinez out as he’ll be busy with Belgium. Surely they want the new manager to work with the current squad during the break.
  3. There’s also the added bonus of watching the so called big six panicking because of our takeover.
  4. Should you not be on Groomers?
  5. Stop pissing your pants man.
  6. Smuggled him in in a laundry basket, obviously.
  7. I dread to think what they’ll be like if we start shopping in the same shop as Chelsea and City for players.
  8. These sad twats are questioning whether the funds have been transferred to buy us, what a bunch of sad fucking pathetic cunts they are. It’s killing them and I love it
  9. If he has hopefully it’s a temporary short ban.
  10. Good read from a reliable source. https://footballeconomyv2.blogspot.com/2021/10/how-much-can-newcastle-spend.html?m=1
  11. These types of protests by opposition fans will make PIF even more determined to succeed and rub there fucking noses in it.
  12. We’re rich and they don’t like it.
  13. Well apparently it would be illegal to conspire against us.
  14. Fuck, are people still discussing idiots running around with tea towels on their nappers ?
  15. He is Minister of State for the 19th Century though.
  16. Not seen many posts from manor park or WhitleyMag lately, wonder what’s up with them, thought they both be like dogs with three cocks.
  17. Yep, instead of dressing up in English national dress, as Morris Dancers.
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