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Everything posted by Scotty66

  1. Would like to see him and Isak pair up on Teqball
  2. With regards to wages and FFP, how does bonus' affect that? Could you for example pay a top player 50k a week but give him say an extra 150k bonus per 1 game week to give him the wage amount that he wants? He can't be that easy surely but it's similar to the Haaland deal where Man City made a low transfer fee but gave him huge signing on fees etc.
  3. Found out the other day that another classic from him was thinking Salah and De Bruyne were in the Chelsea academy! Currently!
  4. I've always wanted to see Jose manage us before he retires. Purely because of the Sir Bobby connection and I find him quite entertaining and he's a born winner. Football isn't pretty but he gets things done. Spurs absolutely mental to sack him, they would be in much better shape now and most likely would have silverware.
  5. Pep didn't even win a single MOTM award. Howe,Emery and De Zerbi have all achieved greater than Pep this season when everything is considered.
  6. https://twitter.com/paddypower/status/1663207968815415298?t=qJkqp307Go1EAXiY-z1DDw&s=19 Woy
  7. Scotty66

    In-house media

    Thought that was great, looks a nice place to train for Eddie's Champions League mags.
  8. Was thinking the other day when I heard people talking about Howe as future England manager, I don't think it would go well because of his high intensity fitness demands. You just can't get that out of players straight away and definitely can't get them to that level half way through a season when you only have them for a fortnight. A lot of people who haven't watched us or followed us closely don't understand that his fitness programme is a crucial part of why he is and has been so successful.
  9. Graphic was made before the final day so wasn't confirmed who would be staying up between Leeds, Leicester and Everton.
  10. Like said above it just seems there's a massive gap. Arsenal, Villa, Brentford, Brighton, Chelsea, Liverpool, Man City, Man Utd, Us and Spurs. Compare finances, manager, strongest 11, squad strength against - Bournemouth, Burnley, Everton, Palace, Fulham, Luton, Forest, Sheff Utd, West Ham and Wolves. Obviously you've got teams like West Ham who could turn up again this season, Burnley who could surprise people and us who still need a bigger squad but on paper it does look like there is a huge gap.
  11. Actually made me go and have a look at the squad as I couldn't believe I missed Gordon's name when the squad was announced. Commentary was shocking. Birtles has proper anger issues like. Did he used to play? If so him and Hinchcliffe must have been the best players in the World they way they expect today's players to perform?
  12. Have to admit the PL for next season looks very very weak. I know there are some teams that are a lot harder to beat than people think but there's what 7/8 teams and the rest just don't seem a threat at all?
  13. Klopp tears Levy tears Mackem tears Drink it. Drink it in.
  14. Yep. It will very soon get to the point when important people get photos taken of them doing something dodgy as fuck but they blame it on AI which nobody will be able to prove or not. Likewise innocent people will get imposed into photos that cause them an absolute shit storm. All for lolz.
  15. https://twitter.com/GingerPirlo_/status/1661825423410339857?t=dUiLITSR_cHSx1x-tnAwMA&s=19 Decent summery of our season. Some incredible moments. Highlight for me was the home win against Spurs. To do that in (at the time) such a high pressure game was just phenomenal. One of my all time ever favourite games. I was gobsmacked after just 20 minutes ffs. What a season man.
  16. Wasn't Martial offside from that Sancho pass?
  17. The more I see that logo the more it annoys me What is it supposed to be or resemble? It's like a logo designed by a child. A shirt with just the word Sela on and Arabic translation above would be fine but the fucking box thing next to it just sticks out like a sore thumb. Just compare it to the Amaar logo for example which would look miles better on a shirt.
  18. Looks like a rocket to me. Quite fitting though because Eddie is taking us to THE FUCKING MOON
  19. Surprised Wilson has only got a few votes, been immense this season in front of goal, and his off the ball work has been exceptional, constantly pestering the CB's and pressing them. Plus he's been basically injury free. He got my vote but it was a tough choice, so many stand out players. Also think Botman has been superb, young lad in his first season in the PL and he's been absolutely solid. So good in fact that in often goes unnoticed imo. (not on here but by the general media)
  20. Got a feeling Bayern will go for Kane, they desperately need an elite ST and they've said as much iirc.
  21. Paddy power have been pretty good about us this season tbf. A lot of the funny stuff I've seen from them has been a positive rather than a negative. VAR room officials saying Joelinton being a fantastic player when mocking the VAR audio from Howard Webb is just 1 example.
  22. Not sure where to put this but over half the value of the sale of the club coming back in after just 1 full season Also I think what is a real positive is that to PIF it's made it clear that investment = success. Not that I didn't think they would hold back anyway, but it gives Eddie a huge swing in asking for as much investment as possible, and PIF can clearly see it has its rewards.
  23. Think the sponsor looks better in a black box tbh like below but either way I'm so glad the logo of them is decent as its such a deal breaker for me having a decent logo on a shirt (if indeed it is them)
  24. Finally got round to watching minus 17. The owner that offered Eddie the job full time after losing his first 2 games as caretaker manager because he could see there was more to Eddie that those final scores. Monumental decision and wow didn't it pay off.
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